Build Debian SD card image for the Firefly-RK3399

This project provides files to generate a Debian SD card image for the Firefly-RK3399 on an arm64 system.

The following command installs the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install debootstrap dosfstools fakeroot xz-utils

To create the SD card image execute


A new image is created with four partions:

  • EFI partition
  • boot partition
  • root partition
  • empty partition protecting u-boot

Debootstrap is used to install a base system.

A sudo user firefly with password firefly is provided.

The created image file is called image.

To copy the image to an SD card use

sudo if=image of=/dev/sdX bs=16M

Replace /dev/sdX by the actual device. Beware of overwriting your harddisk by specifying the wrong device.