A simple CHIP-8 Emulator in pure C + SDL2
CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language that can only run on a CHIP8 virtual machine. In theory, this is more of an interpreter than an emulator, but they always get called emulators.
- Memory: 4 KB of RAM
- Display: 64 x 32 monochrome (the emulator scales up to 8x)
- 16 general purpose 8-bit register VF - V0
- 1 index register "I" to point to memory addresses
- A stack of up to 16 16-bit values
- Delay timer
- Sound timer
- Psuedo register program counter that points at current instruction in memory
- Psuedo register stack pointer that points at current location in the stack
This emulator can run any .ch8
Please note that due to discrepancies in interpreters some ROMS may not run as intended.
Code can be compiled using
gcc main.c chip-8.c screen.c "-ISDL2\include" "-Iheaders" "-LSDL2\lib" -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -o main.exe
Run the program using
main.exe /path/to/rom
- Audio
I used this guide for all of the info on the architexture and CPU instructions