Office for Clojure
Office for Clojure provides a hiccup-like DSL for MS Office documents.
(let [out (new FileOutputStream (new File "/tmp/prez.xslx"))
wb (excel
[:table {:title "Test"}
[:tr {:background-color "#8DBDD8"}
[:td "President"]
[:td "Born"]
[:td "Died"]
[:td "Wiki"]]]
[:tr [:td "Abraham Lincoln"]
[:td "1809"]
[:td "1865"]
[:td [:a {:href ""} "Bio"]]]
[:td "Andrew Johnson"]
[:td "1808"]
[:td "1875"]
[:td [:a {:href ""} "Bio"]]]
[:td "Ulysses S. Grant"]
[:td "1822"]
[:td "1885"]
[:a {:href ""} "Bio"]]]
[:td "Rutherford B. Hayes"]
[:td "1822"]
[:td "1893"]
[:td [:a {:href ""} "Bio"]]]]
[:tr [:td {:colspan "4"} "Reconstruction Presidents."]]]]])]
(.write wb out)
(.close out))
Need to serve a spreadsheet like a web page? It's no problem with excel-page:
(defn my-excel [request]
"My Excel Document"
[:table {:title "My Excel"}
[:th "Letters"]]
[:td "A"]]
[:td "B"]]
[:td "C"]]]]]))
A form like for
will be conveniently expanded:
(excel [:wb
[:table {:title "For Test"}
[:thead [:tr [:td "Numbers"]]]
(for [x (range 1 6)]
[:tr [:td x]])]]])