- CSE 3224 Informative System Design And Software Engineering Lab
- Developed In Android Studio 4.0.1
- Java
Install "Android Studio" On your Pc
API of emulator is required 27 or later
- 1st Download the zip file
- Unzip the file and if you have "Android Studio" application in your system's C drive then place/paste the unzipped file in the following directory("C:\Users\Fardin(Signed in Profile Name)\AndroidStudioProjects")
- Instead of Fardin use your Currently Signed in profile name where you installed your "Android Studio" Application
- Now open "Android Studio" Application
- Go to File->Open->C:\Users\Fardin(Signed in Profile Name)\AndroidStudioProjects->LearnC-master and open
- Finally run the Project
- User can learn C Programming through Online Tuorials and Offline Tutorials
- User can give Quiz based on Programming Language C. User must be signned in to give the Quiz
- User can Run run his/her on own Code in the online platform
- User can solve some question of well known Online Judge as well they can see the solutions
- For preparing himself/herself there are some frequently asked Viva Board questions