
Student's course project - parallel solution to the Game of life problem with the use of the OpenMPI library

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense


Student's course project - parallel solution to the Game of life problem with the use of the OpenMPI library. The repository also includes a serial version of the same program.

How to run

The serial version can be compiled and run like any standard cpp application. To compile the parallel version, use the mpic++ command. Execute it by invoking the mpirun command, e.g. if you want to run it on 4 simultaneous processes, type:

mpic++ life_parallel.cpp -o life_parallel.x
mpirun -np 4 life_parallel.x

Sample output

The program outputs PGM images, however a GIF animation is presented instead Game of life animation


Calculated by running simulations on the Physon cluster (Faculty of Physics, Sofia Unviersity "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria) Speedup