
A 2D Top-down Shooter written in Python and using Pygame

Primary LanguagePython

Final Project 2015: SUPER-HITMAN

by: Michal Jez and Shadman Hassan

NEW Gameplay footage can be found at: https://youtu.be/udoH_CQG5jI

This is my Grade 11 Computer Science Final Project. My partner and I created a top down shooter in Python. Super Hitman is a top down shooter where the objective is to kill all enemies onscreen per wave. He can move with WASD controls and can use primary and secondary weapons with mouse buttons. You can scroll to change weapons. There is a gun store to purchase more ammo. Press E to enter the gun store and press E at the counter to buy ammo, health, gun upgrades and special bullets such as homing and reflecting bullets. The shop can be entered at any time. The aim of the game is to survive the longest. Score is accumulated per kill, and text prompts show up for special kills (E.g. knife, reflect kills). Try not to take damage as doing so will result in a loss of blood as well as temporary blurry vision. Killing civilians will drop money, but your combo multiplier will end, so choose wisely. Being damaged will also end your combo multiplier. Rack up a long kill streak without being damaged to get a high score and the ultimate rank of Super Hitman!

To exit any part of the game, close the game window.

You need to have python and pygame (both of which are the SAME version) installed in order to run the game. i was able to run it successfully with Python 2.7.16 32 bit and Pygame 2.7 at https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2716/ and http://pygame.org/ftp/pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.7.msi.

Run FP Michal Shadman.py to play the game.

All music included is for entertainment purposes only and are not used to make any profit.

Have fun!