
A supervised learning chat bot based on intents

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Chat Bot

Here is a simple implementation of a chat bot using intents and naive bias to figure out the most relevant response to a prompt

Tech Stack

Client: vue, typescript, TailwindCSS

Server: Python- FastAPI

Model Python - sklearn | numpy

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone git@github.com:shadmeoli/bot.git

Go to the project directory

  cd bot

Running server

Navigate to backend folder

cd backend

Install dependencies

  pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start the server

using uvicorn

  python3 main.py

using Gunicorn and uvicorn workers

gunicorn main:app --workers 4 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind

If you don't have an API client you can test and view all the URLs by opening the provided server URL from the logs and open swagger using or alternatively you can use redoc to view the documentation of the API by substituting docs with redoc

Running client

To run the client you can open a new terminal sessiona in the same bot folder and navigate to the fronten folder

cd frontend

You have to install the dependencies for node



No run the client server powerd by vite

yarn dev

if you are using any other package manger you can check on how to install dependencies and initiate the dev server.


For support, email shadcodes@duck.com

Python : 3.8^
vue: 3.0^
Node: LTS 16^

API Reference

Get all items


  POST {API_URL}/api/v1/chat
Parameter Type
message string