
I created a one time run script that hides your credentials With this update you don't have to update your .env file not will not need to ignore it in the .gitignore file.

linux shell script to automate the process and a windows based script for the same

To excute


simply run



bash secure_env.sh

With this you don't have to change up the credentials on the .env file but it will write on top of it - placeholders.


with powershell
move pre-commit.ps1 .git/hooks

This will move the powershell script to your local .git/hooks directory then run

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ".git/hooks/pre-commit.ps1"

This will run the script on each commit

With cmd
move path\to\file\secure_env.bat .git\hooks\pre-commit.bat

This will move the bat script to the .git/hooks directory

NOTE: I have not tested he script on windows machine I am linux.