mini wp

Simple Word-Press

Word-Press web-app built with Mongoose, Express, and JQuery

EndPoint List

user route

Route HTTP Header(s) Request Description Response
/users/register POST none body: { email: '', password: 'secret' , fullName: 'anton wibisono' } register for new user 201: { _id: ObjectId(''), email: '', password: 'HashedPassword' }
/users/login POST none body: { email: '', password: 'secret'} endpoint for user login into app 200:{token : ... }
/users/googleauth POST none body:{idToken: 'hashed by google'} endpoint for GoogleSignIn none
/users/ GET token none fetch all user data (authenticated user only) 200:[{_id: ObjectId(''), email: '', password: 'HashedPassword'}, {_id: ObjectId(''), email: '', password: 'HashedPassword'} ]

article route

Route HTTP Header(s) Request Description Response
/articles/ POST token body: { title: 'article title', description: 'article short description' , content: 'article content', tags: '[article tag, article tag, ...], author: '' } create new article (registered user only) 201:{ _id: ObjectId(''), title: 'article title', description: 'article short description' , content: 'article content', tags: '[article tag, article tag, ...], author: ''}
/articles/ GET token query:{title: 'searched title'} get all articles (registered user only) 200:[{ _id: ObjectId(''),title: 'searched title, description: 'article short description' , content: 'article content', tags: '[article tag, article tag, ...], author: ''}]
/articles/:id GET token params:{id: 'article id'} find specific article (registered user only) 200:{ _id: ObjectId(''),title: 'searched title, description: 'article short description' , content: 'article content', tags: '[article tag, article tag, ...], author: ''}
/articles/:id PUT token params:{id: 'article id'},body: { title: 'updated article title', description: ' updated article short description' , content: 'updated article content', tags: '[ updated article tag, article tag, ...], author: '' } update specific article (owner of specific task only) 200:{ title: 'updated article title', description: ' updated article short description' , content: 'updated article content', tags: '[ updated article tag, article tag, ...], author: '' }
/articles/:id DELETE token params:{id: 'article id'} delete specific article (owner of specific task only) 200:{ title: 'deleted article title', description: ' deleted article short description' , content: 'deleted article content', tags: '[ deleted article tag, article tag, ...], author: '' }


Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed in your computer, and then run these commands:

$ npm install
$ npm run dev

And don't forget to fill the .env file

server : client :