
Primary LanguagePython

AI Chatbot Assistant

The AI Chatbot Assistant is an intelligent desktop application designed to enhance the productivity and efficiency of interacting with Chat2Code bots. Powered by GPT-based language models as the backend, it provides real-time responses to chatbot interactions and generates a dynamic task list based on user inputs and bot outputs. The AI Chatbot Assistant aims to streamline the usage of Chat2Code bots and assist users in managing tasks effectively.


  • Chat2Code Integration: Seamless communication and real-time interactions with Chat2Code bots.
  • GPT-based Language Models: Natural language processing to understand user inputs, questions, and commands for accurate responses.
  • Real-Time Chatbot Responses: Enhancing productivity and reducing wait time.
  • Task Generation: Dynamic task list based on user-defined actions and bot outputs.
  • Dynamic Task Adjustment: Continuous update and adjustment of the task list.
  • User Input Logging: Maintaining a history of conversations and tracking task progress.
  • User Preferences: Customizable AI Chatbot Assistant settings.
  • Task Reminders: Timely reminders for pending tasks.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy-to-use desktop application.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Robust security measures to protect user data.

Tech Stack

  • GPT-based Language Models (OpenAI's GPT-3): Primary backend for natural language processing and generating chatbot responses.
  • Python: Backend logic, integrating with GPT-3, and task list generation.
  • Chat2Code Bot APIs: Integration with Chat2Code bots through APIs.
  • Task Management Library: Dynamic generation and management of tasks.
  • Desktop Application Framework: PyQt or Electron for building the user interface.
  • Database (SQLite or PostgreSQL): Storing user preferences, task history, and chatbot interactions.

User Interface

  • Real-Time Chat Display: Chat-like interface to display real-time chatbot responses and user inputs.
  • Task List View: Display the dynamic task list with options for task completion and priority adjustment.
  • Customization Settings: Customizable AI Chatbot Assistant settings.


The AI Chatbot Assistant will be deployed as a desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.


The AI Chatbot Assistant, powered by GPT-based language models as the backend, aims to enhance the productivity and efficiency of interacting with Chat2Code bots. With seamless integration with Chat2Code bots and the advanced capabilities of GPT-based language models, the AI Chatbot Assistant will become an indispensable virtual assistant, optimizing the user's workflow and simplifying task management. The user-friendly interface and customizable settings will ensure an intuitive and personalized experience, making the AI Chatbot Assistant a valuable addition to users relying on Chat2Code bots for their tasks and projects.

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run python src/main.py to start the application


Run python -m unittest discover tests to execute the tests.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details