Curated list of awesome Powerline awesomeness
- Engines
- bash-powerline: Powerline-style Bash prompt in pure Bash script
- emacs powerline: Powerline for Emacs
- powerline-go: A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go
- powerline-shell: A beautiful and useful prompt for your shell (unmaintained)
- powerline: Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome and Qtile
- tmux-powerline: Statusbar configuration for tmux that looks like vim-powerline and consist of dynamic segments (deprecated)
- vim-powerline: Powerline in Vim writtien in pure Vimscript (deprecated)
- zsh-powerline: Powerline for Zsh in pure Zsh script
- Segments
- powerline-docker: A Powerline segment for showing the status of your Docker containers
- powerline-gitstatus: A Powerline segment for showing the status of a Git working copy
- powerline-kubernetes: A Powerline segment to show your current Kubernetes context
- powerline-taskwarrior: ䷡→䷆ A Powerline segment for displaying information from Taskwarrior task manager