

ati46 opened this issue · 7 comments

ati46 commented

Archlinux + xorg + i3
使用Appimages 执行没有任何反映和报错信息。

$ cd /opt/electron-ssr/
$ ./electron-ssr

使用xhost + 后再使用命令可以出现界面和配置,但是普通用户无法使用代理
$ xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
$ sudo ./electron-ssr --no-sandbox


ati46 commented

我使用的appimages是 0.3版本
archlinux 5.6.6

使用sudo ./electron-ssr-0.3.0-alpha.5.pacman 也可以启动

@ati46 You might find electron-ssr logs file in ~/.config/electron-ssr/logs

@ati46 I haven't used i3 yet, I will try to test it on gnome desktop on Archlinux to see if it's desktop related.

After testing on a virtual machine with the latest archlinux and i3wm & lightdm, the result is Appimage is ok to use with the command chmod +x electron-ssr.AppImage && ./electron-ssr.AppImage. Here is the result I get, looks fine to me.
(I did get a problem with FUSE when I try to run Appimage which caused by lacking dependence of fuse.)
Screenshot from 2020-04-26 14-55-05

ati46 commented

在我删掉~/.config/electron-ssr 可以正常使用了。