
Example how to make css only animation with sprite image + keyframe with stepper

Primary LanguageTypeScript





  • create smooth animation with sprite image + keyframe with React

Basic commands:

  • yarn start = start frontend


  • Frontend:
    • Typescript
    • ReactJS
    • Material UI / styled component

Basic Concept

  • need an image where sane thing is repeated multiple times (vertically or horizontally) with minor difference (why 1 image and not 30? because faster to load it, handle it)
  • use this bigger images like background image with smaller image element dimension (example if image height is 2100 and width 30 then image element should show 30x30)
  • we must set the animation duration
  • stepper split the animation into steps/frames, example if we have an image with 30x2100 size then the animation should be 2100/30 - 1 = 69 step (= 70 frames), so the animation in first frame will show the image at 0x0-30x30 then 30x30-30x60, then 30x60-30x90 etc till 30x2070-30x2100...
final component
const AnimatedIcon = observer((props: AnimatedIconProps) => {
   const { iconData, frameCount, ...rest } = props;
   const data = assets[iconData];
   return (
           frameCount={frameCount ?? data.frameCount}

export default AnimatedIcon;

// we scroll the big image from 0,0 (x, y) position to the 100%, 100%
const backgroundTransitionKeyframes = keyframes`
   to { background-position: 100% 100%; }

// styled component which use background image with animation when user hover to it
// animation explanation:
// - keyframe scrolling till the end of the image
// - duration of animation is 1.5 second
// - stepper must be the height/width - 1 (if it is vertical image)
// - infinite animation = loop
const AnimatedIconRoot = styled('div', { shouldForwardProp: isPropValid })<AnimatedIconRootProps>(({
}) => ({
   display: 'inline-block',
   width: size || 30,
   aspectRatio: '1',
   outline: 'none',
   cursor: 'pointer',
   border: 'none',
   background: `url("${url}") top left / cover`,
   '&:hover': {
       animation: `${backgroundTransitionKeyframes} 1.5s steps(${frameCount - 1}) infinite`,

interface AnimatedIconRootProps {
   url: string;
   frameCount: number;
   size?: number;

export interface AnimatedIconData {
   url: string;
   frameCount: number;
   tooltip?: string;

export interface AnimatedIconProps extends Omit<React.ComponentProps<typeof AnimatedIconRoot>, keyof AnimatedIconRootProps> {
   iconData: keyof typeof assets;
   size?: number;
   frameCount?: number;
Assets & FrameCounts
import likeImg from './30_anim_f_like.png';
import heartImg from './30_anim_f_heart.png';
import laughImg from './30_anim_f_laugh.png';
import surprisedImg from './30_anim_f_surprised.png';
import sadImg from './30_anim_f_sad.png';
import angryImg from './30_anim_f_angry.png';

const icons = {
   like: {
       url: likeImg,
       frameCount: 1530 / 30,
       tooltip: 'Like'
   heart: {
       url: heartImg,
       frameCount: 2190 / 30,
       tooltip: 'Heart'
   laugh: {
       url: laughImg,
       frameCount: 1530 / 30,
       tooltip: 'Laugh'
   surprised: {
       url: surprisedImg,
       frameCount: 2190 / 30,
       tooltip: 'Surprised'
   sad: {
       url: sadImg,
       frameCount: 2160 / 30,
       tooltip: 'Sad'
   angry: {
       url: angryImg,
       frameCount: 2160 / 30,
       tooltip: 'Angry'

Related informations:


example image:

vertical image