
Node/React admin api/app to manage user profiles in MongoDB database

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS/React user management app

App allows you to add new users to the platform, edit their profile and also delete. Node API created using the expressJS framework, data stored in a MongoDB database. App which accesses the api created using React and Redux.


There are a few dependencies to the app. Docker and docker-compose are required to run the MongoDB database. The api runs on Node (v7.10.1 and NPM v5), the app runs best with yarn Once the repo has been cloned run

$ docker-compose up -d

in the root directory run start up the docker image. Once that is done, run

$ cd api/
$ npm i
$ npm start

to start the api server on http://localhost:8000. Once that is done open up a new terminal tab and navigate into the app directory and start the React app

$ cd app/
$ yarn install
$ yarn start

The React app will be running on http://localhost:3000


API: Admin authentication using jwt tokens. This will include new AdminController to handle routes for admin to login/logout and middleware to check jwt token which will be passed via headers.

APP: Better error handling in result of api network errors. Also app to work when refreshed on any page (either fetch user data if state is empty when navigated to new page, or reroute to "/")