
This program uses a range of salary values to calculate an individual's Net Salary.The program prompts a user to input his/her basic salary,which is stored in a variable basicSalary .The set range of salary values are from the (KRA,NHIF and NSSF) which determine an individual's total deductions.

Project set-up

The program is linked to a HTML file. To use the program,run the program live to a web page

Functionability of the program

The program is mainly operated by use of functions.The first function calculateNetSalary()is the main function used to calculate net Salary.Within the function calculateNetSalary()there are other functions calculateTaxPayable() , calculateNHIFdeductions() , calculateNSSFdeductions()

Within the function calculateTaxPayable() there are else if statements that hold the set range of basic salary and provide different percentages so as to determine (tax Payable) for a certain which is stored in a variable NetSalary.

    example: if(basic salary<24000){let taxPayable = (basicSalary*0.1)} 

Within the function calculateNHIFdeductions() there are else if statements that hold the set range of basic salary so as to determine (NHIF deducions) for a certain which is stored in a variable NHIFdeductions.

    example:if(basicSalary<=5999){let NHIFdeductions = 150}

Within the function calculateNSSFdeductions() there are else if statements that hold the set range of basic salary so as to determine (NSSF deducions) for a certain which is stored in a variable NSSFdeductions.

Using the formula below an individual gets his/her NetSalary;

            NetSalary = basicSalary - (taxPayable + NHIFdeductions + NSSIFdeductions)+ insuranceRelief



This program checks whether drivers are driving above the set speed limit.The program award drivers demerit points for every 5km/h above the speed limit.It also suspends licenses for drivers with or more than 12 demerit points.

Project set-up

The program is linked to a HTML file To use the program you should run it live to a web page

Functionality of the program

Program uses a users input of speed of car.If the driver is driving within the speed limit it outputs OK. If driver is above speed limit it uses a formula:

        (speedOfCar - speedLimit) / 5)

This gets the drivers points and if he/she is issuedwith more than 12 pionts his/her licence us suspended.

Student Grade Generator


This program prompts a student to input his/her marks between 0 and 100.Using a set limit of marks per grade the student receives his /her grade.The range used is: A>79, B-60 to 79,C-59 to 49,D-40 to 49, E-less 40

Project Set-up

The project is linked to a htlm file.To use this program your should run it live,as a web page.

Functionality of program

The program propmts a user to enter his/her marks and using fixed range used for grading a user`s grade appears on the web page.


Shadrack Mungai