
An esoteric programming language, using box-drawing characters

Bauge, a 2D esoteric programming language

What is Bauge

Bauge is a terrible idea of a programming language, where programs follow a graphical path, written using box-drawing characters such as , , and so on.

The name Bauge comes from the Bauges mountain range, a very nice place where my parents live in the northern French alps.

I was inspired by the Haskell “Needle” package, which “ASCII-fies” the arrow notation of that language. I wanted to take that concept up a notch, and create a programming language based only on such concepts.

At the time I’m writing this, the idea of the language is still very rough, and I’m still modifying things and changing stuff around a lot. For example, here’s a piece of Bauge code from my ideas file:

┌─ fibonacci: (Int) -> Int ─────────────────────────────────────┐
│                                                               │
│   This function calculates the Fibonacci number for any       │
│   unsigned integer. This implementation uses the recursive    │
│   method without any memoisation; it is done by checking      │
│   the first argument:                                         │
│   - If it's 0 or 1, then we return directly the argument,     │
│   - If not, we calculate recursively the previous two         │
│     Fibonacci numbers, and add them to get the current one.   │
│                                                               │
│                                                               │
│                ┌─ 0 ───→                                      │
│                │                                              │
│  ╾──── match ──┼─ 1 ───→                                      │
│                │                                              │
│                └─ _ ────┬─ - _ 1 ─── fibonacci ───┬─ + ───→   │
│                         └─ - _ 2 ─── fibonacci ───┘           │
│                                                               │

Planned features for Bauge

  • Interpreted language akin to Python
  • Standard library written using the principle of literate programming
  • Interpreter written in Rust (because that’s the language I’m most familiar with)
  • Easy parallelism using the branching system
  • Functional style of programming, taking full advantage of Iterators and Map/Reduce operations


STARTED Language specification

For the moment, the entirety of the language specification is written in the ideas file. I need to create a comprehensive documentation system.


The only certainty I have is that I’m going to write the interpreter in Rust. It will need to:

  • Parse the code and somehow derive elements from it (paths, boxes, functions, …)
  • Perform lexical analysis, syntax analysis and semantic analysis
  • Find how the interpreter is going to interpret: using a VM, with an intermediate representation seems the most likely.

IDEA Debugger

Having a debugger interface with a step-by-step, path variable visualization, … would be nice.

IDEA Visual editor

This won’t come until much, much later in the development, but having a visual editor would be easier than writing the code by hand (even though I have neat macros for the box drawing characters at the moment)