This repo shows how to create a Dockerfile for an Angular application. The instructions below explain how to create a Docker image and run it in a container.
This post on dockerizing an Angular App was helpful
docker build --tag mb/docker-angular . --target dev
docker build --tag mb/docker-angular-test . --target test
Run in foreground w/ interactive terminal
docker run -it --publish 4200:4200 mb/docker-angular
# for tests
docker run -it mb/docker-angular-test
NOTE: Give it time to boot up!
To run in background/detached mode
docker run --detach --publish 4200:4200 mb/docker-angular
docker run --name my_container --detach --publish 4200:4200 mb/docker-angular
NOTE: it doesn't make sense to run tests in detached mode because typically want to see the log output results of the tests