
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

jQuery Selectors and Events Configuration Your repository must include the following config files:

README.md - with an overview of the project for a new visitor to your repo .gitignore - with standard NodeJS configurations (see the provided .gitignore file) .eslintrc.json - with Code 301 course standards for the linter (see the provided file in the configs folder of the class repo)

Organize your files into folders as you see fit. Here is an example file tree: lab-02-repository ├── css │ ├── base.css │ ├── layouts.css │ ├── modules.css │ └── reset.css ├── data │ └── page-1.json ├── index.html ├── js │ └── app.js ├── .eslintrc.json ├── .gitignore └── README.md User Acceptance Tests Overview In labs 2 and 3, you and your partner(s) will be using the provided JSON files to create a photo gallery. You will style it using floats.

You have the option of using the provided index.html file, but it is not a requirement.

Resources page-1.json index.html Time Estimate For each of the features listed below, make an estimate of the time it will take you to complete the feature, and record your start and finish times for that feature:

Number and name of feature: ________________________________

Estimate of time needed to complete: _____

Start time: _____

Finish time: _____

Actual time needed to complete: _____ Add this information to your README.

Feature #1: Display images Why are we implementing this feature? As a user, I want to view the images on the page so that I can browse the photo collection. What are we going to implement? Given that a user opens the application in the browser When the user navigates to the home page Then the photo gallery should display all of the images in the gallery

How are we implementing it? Use AJAX, specifically $.ajax(), to read the provided JSON file. Each object should become a new instance of a constructor function. Refer to the data to determine the necessary properties. Use jQuery to make a copy of the HTML template of the photo component. For each object, fill in the duplicated template with its properties, then append the copy to the DOM. Feature #2: Filter images Why are we implementing this feature? As a user, I want to be able to filter the images so that I can view only images that match a keyword. What are we going to implement? Given that a user clicks on the dropdown menu When the user selects one of the options Then only the images whose keyword matches the option should be displayed

How are we implementing it? Create a element which contains unique elements extracted dynamically from the JSON file, one for each keyword. Use an event handler to respond when the user chooses an option from the select menu. Hide all of the images, then show those whose keyword matches the option chosen. Feature #3: Style the application Why are we implementing this feature? As a user, I want a simple, clean looking UI so that my photo gallery clearly displays the images in a grid like pattern. What are we going to implement? Given that a user opens the application in the browser When the user navigates to the home page Then the images should be displayed in rows across the screen How are we implementing it? Style your application using floats. Utilize at least one Google font. Stretch Goal: Sort the images Why are we implementing this feature? As a user, I want to be able to sort the images so there is an order to how they render. What are we going to implement? Given that a user is presented with sort options When the user clicks on one option Then the images should be sorted accordingly How are we implementing it? Add the ability for the user to sort the images by either title or by number of horns. Sort the images by one of the properties on page load. This should also apply to the second page of images. Submission Instructions Complete your Feature Tasks for the day Create a Pull Request (PR) back to the master branch of your repository On Canvas, submit a link to your PR and a link to your deployed application on GitHub pages. Add a comment in your Canvas assignment which includes the following: A question within the context of today’s lab assignment An observation about the lab assignment, or related ‘Ah-hah!’ moment How long you spent working on this assignment © Code Fellows 2021