
A .NET package intended to simplify the work with sets of generic intervals.

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A .NET package intended to simplify the work with sets of generic intervals, especially suitable for use cases requiring often mutation (add, remove). This is done with IntervalSet collection. It provides main operations like Add, Remove, Union, Intersect, Except, Merge.

Get Started

NeatIntervals can be installed using the Nuget package manager or the dotnet CLI.

dotnet add package NeatIntervals


Interval Basics

An Interval can be created with start, end and optional value input parameters. By default type of interval is Open. Interval type can be Closed, EndOpen, StartOpen and Open.

var interval1 = new Interval<int, decimal?>(10, 50); // closed (by default) [10, 50] - includes both limits
var interval2 = new Interval<int, decimal?>(10, 50, IntervalType.Open); // open (10, 50) - excludes both limits
var interval3 = new Interval<int, decimal?>(10, 50, IntervalType.EndOpen); // start closed [10, 50) - includes start only
var interval4 = new Interval<int, decimal?>(10, 50, IntervalType.StartOpen); // end closed (10, 50] - includes end only
var interval5 = new Interval<int, decimal?>(10, 50, 2.5m); // closed [10, 50], value: 2.5

Interval can also be created from value tuple:

Interval<double, decimal?> interval1 = (0.1d, 0.5d, IntervalType.Open); // open (0.1, 0.5)
Interval<double, decimal?> interval2 = (0.1d, 0.5d); // closed [0.1, 0.5]
Interval<double, decimal?> interval3 = (0.1d, 0.5d, 2.5m); // closed [0.1, 0.5], value: 2.5

When no value is passed to create an Interval, a default value is assigned:

// passing value
Interval<double, decimal?> interval1 = (0.1d, 0.5d, 2.5m, IntervalType.Open); // open (0.1, 0.5), value: 2.5

// not passing value
Interval<double, decimal?> interval2 = (0.1d, 0.5d, IntervalType.Open); // open (0.1, 0.5), value: null
Interval<double, decimal> interval3 = (0.1d, 0.5d); // closed [0.1, 0.5], value: 0.0

Here is an example how to check if 2 intervals intersect:

var result1 = (10, 20).HasIntersection<int, int?>((18, 30));
// True

var result2 = (10, 20).HasIntersection<int, int?>((22, 30));
// False

Here is an example how to check if an interval covers another interval:

var result1 = (10, 20).HasIntersection<int, int?>((12, 18), IntersectionType.Cover) // Check if [10, 20] covers [12, 18]
// True

var result2 = (10, 20).HasIntersection<int, int?>((10, 30), IntersectionType.Cover) // Check if [10, 20] covers [10, 30]
// False


Manipulation over sets of intervals is done with IntervalSet collection. It's an implementation of Augmented Interval Tree abstract data structure, using self-balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) - AA Tree. IntervalSet provides basic operations - Add, Remove, Union, UnionWith, Intersect, Except, Merge. It's initialization and union algorithms are influenced by Sorted Set from System.Collections.Generic.


Adding an interval. It returns true if it's added. When interval with same limits and type exists, it's not added.

var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>();

Console.WriteLine(intervalSet.Add((5, 10, 20.5m))); // True
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", intervalSet)}]"); // [[5, 10]: 20.5]
Console.WriteLine(intervalSet.Add((5, 10, 25.5m))); // False
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", intervalSet)}]"); // [[5, 10]: 20.5]

Removing interval. It returns true if it's removed. When interval with same limits, type and value exists, it's being removed.

var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>()
    (5, 10, 20.5m)

Console.WriteLine(intervalSet.Remove((5, 10, 25.5m))); // False
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", intervalSet)}]"); // [[5, 10]: 20.5]
Console.WriteLine(intervalSet.Remove((5, 10, 20.5m))); // True
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", intervalSet)}]"); // []


Unions all unique intervals from the current and input interval set. If there are intervals with same limits and type but different values, only the first occurence will be added:

var intervalSet1 = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (2, 5, IntervalType.Open), // (2, 5)
    (3, 8, IntervalType.Open), // (3, 8)
    (7, 10, 2.5m, IntervalType.Open), // (7, 10): 2.5

var intervalSet2 = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (3, 8), // [3, 8]
    (7, 10, 3m, IntervalType.Open), // (7, 10): 3.0
    (11, 16, 15.0m, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16): 15.0
    (11, 16, 10.0m, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16): 10.0
    (11, 14, IntervalType.StartOpen), // (11, 14]

var unionIntervalSet = intervalSet1.Union(intervalSet2);
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", unionIntervalSet)}]");
// [(2, 5), [3, 8], (3, 8), (7, 10): 2.5, [11, 16): 15.0, (11, 14]]


Adds all unique intervals from given input enumeration of intervals. If there are intervals matching by limits and type but different values, only the existing occurence will remain:

var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (2, 5, IntervalType.Open), // (2, 5)
    (3, 8, IntervalType.Open), // (3, 8)
    (7, 10, 2.5m, IntervalType.Open), // (7, 10): 2.5

var inputIntervals = new List<Interval<int, decimal?>>
    (3, 8), // [3, 8]
    (7, 10, 3m, IntervalType.Open), // (7, 10): 3
    (11, 16, 15.0m, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16): 15.0
    (11, 16, 10.0m, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16): 10.0
    (11, 14, IntervalType.StartOpen), // (11, 14]

Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", intervalSet)}]");
// [(2, 5), [3, 8], (3, 8), (7, 10): 2.5, [11, 16): 15.0, (11, 14]]


    title Example Intervals
    dateFormat  X
    axisFormat %s

    section Intersection Interval
    [8, 11]   :active, 8, 11

    section Intervals
    (3, 8)   : 3, 8
    [3, 8]   :crit, active, 3, 8
    (2, 5)   :after, 2, 5
    (7, 10)    :crit, active, 7, 10
    (11, 14]    : 11, 14
    [11, 16)    :crit, active, 11, 16


var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (2, 5, IntervalType.Open), // (2, 5)
    (3, 8, IntervalType.Open), // (3, 8)
    (3, 8), // [3, 8]
    (7, 10, IntervalType.Open), // (7, 10)
    (11, 16, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16)
    (11, 14, IntervalType.StartOpen), // (11, 14]

var intersectionInterval = new Interval<int, decimal?>(8, 11, IntervalType.Closed);
var intersectedIntervals = intervalSet
    .Intersect(intersectionInterval); // [8, 11]
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", intersectedIntervals)}]");
// [[3, 8], (7, 10), [11, 16)]

You can also specify the type of intersection between the given interval and the interval set. By default the intersection type is Any, searching for any kind of intersection between the intervals:

var intersectedIntervals = intervalSet
    .Intersect(intersectionInterval, IntersectionType.Any);
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", intersectedIntervals)}]");
// [[3, 8], (7, 10), [11, 16)]

There are 2 more type of intersection - Cover where the given interval covers intervals and Within where the given one is within intervals.

Covering Intersection

Intersection of interval set with an input interval that covers intersected intervals:

    title Example Intervals
    dateFormat  X
    axisFormat %s

    section Intersection Interval
    [5, 11]   :active, 5, 11

    section Intervals
    (2, 5)   : 2, 5
    [5, 10)   :crit, active, 5, 10
    [3, 12]   : 3, 12
    [11, 16)    : 11, 16


var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (2, 5, IntervalType.Open), // (2, 5)
    (3, 12, IntervalType.Closed), // [3, 12]
    (5, 10, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [5, 10)
    (11, 16, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16)

var intersectionInterval = new Interval<int, decimal?>(5, 11, IntervalType.Closed);
var coveredIntervals = intervalSet
    .Intersect(intersectionInterval, IntersectionType.Cover);
    $"{intersectionInterval} covers [{string.Join(", ", coveredIntervals)}]");
// [5, 11] covers [[5, 10)]

Within Intersection

Intersection of interval set with an input interval that is within intersected intervals:

    title Example Intervals
    dateFormat  X
    axisFormat %s

    section Intersection Interval
    [5, 11]   :active, 5, 11

    section Intervals
    (2, 5)   : 2, 5
    [5, 10)   : 5, 10
    [3, 12]   :crit, active, 3, 12
    [11, 16)    : 11, 16


var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (2, 5, IntervalType.Open), // (2, 5)
    (3, 12, IntervalType.Closed), // [3, 12]
    (5, 10, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [5, 10)
    (11, 16, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16)

var intersectionInterval = new Interval<int, decimal?>(5, 11, IntervalType.Closed);
var coveringIntervals = intervalSet
    .Intersect(intersectionInterval, IntersectionType.Within);
    $"{intersectionInterval} is within [{string.Join(", ", coveringIntervals)}]");
// [5, 11] is within [[3, 12]]


Calling Except over the IntervalSet returns the not intersected (excepted) intervals:

    title Example Intervals
    dateFormat  X
    axisFormat %s

    section Intersection Interval
    [8, 11]   :active, 8, 11

    section Intervals
    (3, 8)   :crit, active, 3, 8
    [3, 8]   : 3, 8
    (2, 5)   :crit, active, 2, 5
    (7, 10)    : 7, 10
    (11, 14]    :crit, active, 11, 14
    [11, 16)    : 11, 16


var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (2, 5, IntervalType.Open), // (2, 5)
    (3, 8, IntervalType.Open), // (3, 8)
    (3, 8, IntervalType.Closed), // [3, 8]
    (7, 10, IntervalType.Open), // (7, 10)
    (11, 16, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16)
    (11, 14, IntervalType.StartOpen), // (11, 14]

var intersectionInterval = (8, 11, IntervalType.Closed);
var exceptedIntervals = intervalSet
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", exceptedIntervals)}]");
// [(2, 5), (3, 8), (11, 14]]

Not Covering Exception

Exception of interval set with an input interval that doesn't cover excepted intervals:

    title Example Intervals
    dateFormat  X
    axisFormat %s

    section Exception Interval
    [5, 11]   :active, 5, 11

    section Intervals
    (2, 5)   :crit, active, 2, 5
    [5, 10)   : 5, 10
    [3, 12]   :crit, active, 3, 12
    [11, 16)    :crit, active, 11, 16


var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (2, 5, IntervalType.Open), // (2, 5)
    (3, 12, IntervalType.Closed), // [3, 8]
    (5, 10, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [5, 10)
    (11, 16, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16)

var coveringInterval = new Interval<int, decimal?>(5, 11, IntervalType.Closed);
var notCoveredIntervals = intervalSet
    .Except(coveringInterval, IntersectionType.Cover);
    $"{coveringInterval} doesn't cover [{string.Join(", ", notCoveredIntervals)}]");
// [5, 11] doesn't cover [(2, 5), [3, 12], [11, 16)]

Not Within Exception

Exception of interval set with an input interval that is not within excepted intervals:

    title Example Intervals
    dateFormat  X
    axisFormat %s

    section Exception Interval
    [5, 11]   :active, 5, 11

    section Intervals
    (2, 5)   :crit, active, 2, 5
    [5, 10)   :crit, active, 5, 10
    [3, 12]   : 3, 12
    [11, 16)    :crit, active, 11, 16


var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<int, decimal?>
    (2, 5, IntervalType.Open), // (2, 5)
    (3, 12, IntervalType.Closed), // [3, 8]
    (5, 10, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [5, 10)
    (11, 16, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [11, 16)

var withinInterval = new Interval<int, decimal?>(5, 11, IntervalType.Closed);
var notCoveringIntervals = intervalSet
    .Except(withinInterval, IntersectionType.Within);
    $"{withinInterval} is not within [{string.Join(", ", notCoveringIntervals)}]");
// [5, 11] is not within [(2, 5), [5, 10), [11, 16)]


You can also merge intervals. Calling Merge returns IntervalSet with the merged intervals. If no merge function given, default value is assigned to the new merged intervals:

displayMode: compact
    title Example Intervals
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    axisFormat %Y-%m-%d

    section Intervals
    (2.9.2023 - 5.9.2023)     : 2023-09-02, 2023-09-05
    [5.9.2023 - 10.9.2023)    : 2023-09-05, 2023-09-10
    [12.9.2023 - 16.9.2023]   : 2023-09-12, 2023-09-16
    [14.9.2023 - 26.9.2023)   : 2023-09-14, 2023-09-26

    section Merged Intervals
    (2.9.2023 - 10.9.2023)    : 2023-09-02, 2023-09-10
    [12.9.2023 - 26.9.2023)   : 2023-09-12, 2023-09-26


displayMode: compact
var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<DateOnly, decimal?>
    (new DateOnly(2023, 09, 2), new DateOnly(2023, 09, 5), IntervalType.Open), // (2 - 5)
    (new DateOnly(2023, 09, 5), new DateOnly(2023, 09, 10), IntervalType.EndOpen), // [5 - 10)
    (new DateOnly(2023, 09, 12), new DateOnly(2023, 09, 16), IntervalType.Closed), // [12 - 16]
    (new DateOnly(2023, 09, 14), new DateOnly(2023, 09, 26), IntervalType.EndOpen) // [14 - 26)

var mergedIntervalSet = intervalSet.Merge();
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", mergedIntervalSet)}]");
// [(9/2/2023, 9/10/2023), [9/12/2023, 9/26/2023)]

Here is an example passing a merge function:

    title Example Intervals
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    axisFormat %Y-%m-%d

    section Intervals
    (2.9.2023 - 5.9.2023) value#58; 2.5    : 2023-09-02, 2023-09-05
    [5.9.2023 - 10.9.2023) value#58; 2.5   : 2023-09-05, 2023-09-10
    [12.9.2023 - 16.9.2023] value#58; 3.0  : 2023-09-12, 2023-09-16
    [14.9.2023 - 26.9.2023) value#58; 5.0  : 2023-09-14, 2023-09-26

    section Merged Intervals
    (2.9.2023 - 10.9.2023) value#58; 5.0    : 2023-09-02, 2023-09-10
    [12.9.2023 - 26.9.2023) value#58; 8.0   : 2023-09-12, 2023-09-26


var intervalSet = new IntervalSet<DateOnly, decimal?>
    (new DateOnly(2023, 09, 2), new DateOnly(2023, 09, 5), 2.5m, IntervalType.Open), // (2 - 5)
    (new DateOnly(2023, 09, 5), new DateOnly(2023, 09, 10), 2.5m, IntervalType.EndOpen), // [5 - 10)
    (new DateOnly(2023, 09, 12), new DateOnly(2023, 09, 16), 3.0m, IntervalType.Closed), // [12 - 16]
    (new DateOnly(2023, 09, 14), new DateOnly(2023, 09, 26), 5.0m, IntervalType.EndOpen) // [14 - 26)

var mergedIntervalSet = intervalSet.Merge((itv1, itv2) => itv1.Value + itv2.Value);
Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", mergedIntervalSet)}]");
// [(9/2/2023, 9/10/2023): 5.0, [9/12/2023, 9/26/2023): 8.0]