Object detection app using YOLOv8 and Android

Check the video to understand the code: https://youtu.be/dl7rCmvIyiI

Step 1 (Train and export Object detection model):

Step 2 (Object detection android app setup):

  • Open android_app folder.

  • Put your .tflite model and .txt label file inside the assets folder. You can find assets folder at this location: android_app\android_app\app\src\main\assets

  • Rename paths of your model and labels file in Constants.kt file. You can find Constants.kt at this location: android_app\android_app\app\src\main\java\com\surendramaran\yolov8tflite

  • Download and install Android Studio from the official website (https://developer.android.com/studio)

  • Once installed, open Android Studio from your applications menu.

  • When Android Studio opens, you'll see a welcome screen. Here, you'll find options to create a new project, open an existing project, or check out project from version control.Since you already have a project, click on "Open an existing Android Studio project".

  • Navigate to the directory where your project is located and select the project's root folder.

  • Build and Run SAD1K9IGLAXS_jpg rf d634b3e06bebf7dd7d15b3e699e359d2


This project includes the andrroid app code from the following repository:

Special thanks to link-to-original-author-profile for their contribution.