
An easy to use RSS Feed Generator - Open Source Alternative to feed43.com

Primary LanguagePHP


hFeeds is a simple & easy to use RSS feed generator for web-pages. As a user, you'll have to remember only two variables {h} & {i}, where

{h} => have it (use the content specified by this variable) {i} => ignore it


The xml directory contains all the generated xml files, which actually contain PHP code. Hence all such xml files need to be parsed using PHP Handler. The necessary configuration is done in .htaccess file in the said directory. If you experience 500 Internal Server Error while executing the xml files, please change the contents of .htaccess file to

AddHandler x-httpd-php .xml

Please read this article for more information about executing files with non-php extension using php handler.


  1. Enter url of the web-page you need to generate feed for & optionally an encoding type.
  2. After reviewing the source code on the next page, specify global & repeatable patterns.
  3. Enter feed file details & use the {hN} variables in the Feed Item section, such as {h1} {h2} etc.
  4. Hit the button & your feed is ready.

Global Pattern

Global Pattern refers to a unique section in a web-page, which contains the repeatable pattern. Only one {h} variable is allowed for each Global Pattern. If unsure, simply enter {h} to select the whole page.

Repeatable Pattern

Repeatable Pattern refers to each item that is to be in the feed. An item is defined by a TITLE, DESCRIPTION, LINK & (optionally) publishing DATE. And same can be extracted from a web-page using a repeatable pattern. The pattern may contain any no. of {h} & {i} variables.

{hN} variables

For each {h} used in repeatable pattern, you can use {hN} (where N is 1,2,3...) for substitution in Feed Item Configuration.


Huzaib Shafi http://www.shafihuzaib.com


Create RSS Feeds for any web-page. Select upto 4 sections from a web-page to choose items for, even if the items have different pattern with respect to sections.