Show distributors over google map. This is an example on how you can show your distributors over the google map within a proximity range. Based on number of distributors, google map zoom level will auto adjusted. This example is based on Drupal 8.x
- Place the module into /modules folder
- This module require contributed GeoLocation and Address module
- Install the module, it will install a content type "Distributor" and a views block "Distributors"
- The will create an Url /distributors for distributor search
- Before search there is a settings under Config->User Interface->Distributors Settings (/admin/config/user-interface/distributors ). You need to set the API Key and Others before testing.
- Need to download this library and extract and put into libraries folder so location of the markerclusterer.js will be /libraries/v3-utility-library/markerclusterer/src/markerclusterer.js
- Please set GeoLocation module settings and Distributor module settings.
- Address module need to install through composer.
You can contact me at: Shafiq Hossain,