
Effortless AnkiSRS card managment to learn foreign words

Primary LanguageGo


Ankiweb.net console client. Manage Anki flashcards without a friction.


Use aur package https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/runki

For other systems you can install runki through go get:

  1. Install go.
  2. Execute go get github.com/seletskiy/runki


All command line arguments can be stored in configuration file called ~/.runki/runkirc with following format:






See ./runki --help for complete arguments list:


Add card to ankiweb.net:

echo test | runki
# or
echo test | runki --user=<USERNAME> --pass=<PASSWORD> --deck=<DECKNAME>

Add list of cards to ankiweb.net:

cat words-list | runki

Add clipboard contents to ankiweb.net:

echo xclip -selection clipboard -o | runki

Add current selection to ankiweb.net:

echo xclip -o | runki

Add current selection to ankiweb.net and show translation:

notify-send "$(echo $(xclip -o) | runki"

Add word by shortcut (i3 window manager)

Create file ~/bin/add-anki-word with following contents:


notify-send "$(echo $(xclip -o) | runki)"

Execute following command:

echo "bindsym \$mod+Escape exec add-anki-word" >> ~/.i3/config && i3wm-msg reload


It is possible to learn foreign words directly from Kindle. When you encounter unknown word, just tap on it, then select "Highlight". All this highlights will be saved to the file "/documents/My Clippings.txt" in the Kindle FS.

Afterwards this file can be filtered to extract single word highlights (see example script here: https://github.com/seletskiy/dotfiles/blob/92a0e8fdb533106d700dc4c7415f4d41b232edff/bin/kindle-filter-words).

So, all highlighted words can be easily added to Anki like this:

kindle-filter-words "/mnt/documents/My Clippings.txt" | tac | runki --cut 3

Note, that tac command will reverse incoming list so most recent items will came first. --cut 3 flag tells runki to exit if it detect at least 3 words that are already added to Anki. tac and --cut combination allows you to sync words from Kindle in seamless way just running one single command again and again.

Kindle + udev

Ok, let's go deeper. I want to sync words that I highlight on the kindle automatically when I connect kindle to the computer.

So, we need to create udev rule like this:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="1949", RUN+="/usr/bin/su <USERNAME> -lc 'DISPLAY=:0 kindle-to-anki $env{DEVNAME}'"

So, after kindle is connected, kindle-to-anki program will have to be runned. It will add new words directly to Anki and show nice notification about how many new words has been added to.

Example of this kindle-to-anki program can be found there: https://github.com/seletskiy/dotfiles/blob/1c9da6d347cc658c9d6d177a61ef94423a3c36d4/bin/kindle-to-anki

All further invokations of runki can be done without specifying user/pass/deck arguments.

