Cloudflare to Cloudwatch

Stream Cloudflare ELS logs into CloudWatch


If you plan to deploy this in your own GitHub account, please add config/default.yml to your .gitignore

  1. In CloudWatch under Logs, create a new group, cloudflare-group and a new stream, cloudflare-log-stream
  2. On the policies page, create this policy:
// Name this policy "cloudflare-logs-policy".
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
  1. Create a new role named cloudflare-logs-role and assign cloudflare-logs-policy to it.
  2. Modify the runtime environment variables in config/default.yml:
# default.yml
region: 'us-east-1'

# ...

  name: 'fiveminutes'
  expression: 'rate(5 minutes)'

    # Update this with the role you created in step 3
    role: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/cloudflare-logs-role'
# ...

# In Cloudflare, retrieve your Global API Key (
# and your org ID: `
  # you can define the interval for polling new logs. You'll need to change the interval below 
  # and the schedule expression above. interval must match the rate defined in schedule.expression.
  # For example, for 'rate(5 minutes)', interval is 5
  interval: 5
    authKey: CF_AUTH_KEY
    authEmail: CF_EMAIL
    orgId: CF_ORG_ID


Note that you must have the AWS CLI configured to complete this deployment

# Install local dependencies
npm install -g gulp && npm install
# Deploy to lambda
npm run deploy