
Examples of Javascript you can run on Cloudflare’s worldwide network

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Cloudflare Workers | Recipes

This repository contains examples of how Workers can be used to accomplish common tasks. You are welcome to use, modify, and extend this code! Pull requests are encourged.

What is Workers?

Workers make it possible to write serverless JavaScript applications and run them on Cloudflare's global cloud network of 165 data centers. Workers ...

  • run on Chrome V8 and uses standard JavaScript API's
  • can also be written in languages like Rust and C# then compiled via WebAssembly
  • are used to achieve a wide array of goals, from trivializing small tasks like intercepting requests to an origin server:
addEventListener('fetch', event => {

 * Add an extra header to the client request
async function handleRequest (event) {
  let request = new Request(event.request)
  request.headers.append('X-My-Request-Header', 'was set in Workers')
  const response = await fetch(request)
  console.log(`Got status: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`)
  return response

... to developing full stack Internet-scale applications using Cloudflare's globally-distributed object storage, Workers KV Store:

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

 * Retrieve some JSON data from KV Store 
async function readFromStorage (event) {
  // const writeKey = await FIRST_KV_NAMESPACE.put('first-key', '{ "foo": "bar" }')
  const value = await FIRST_KV_NAMESPACE.get('first-key')
  return new Response(value, { headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })

You can use Workers to perform cryptographic operations using the WebCrypto API, rewrite HTML response streams on-the-fly and serve dynamic content to visitors halfway around the world in milliseconds!


Questions about Workers can be addressed on our community site.