
Omi Taku's font zooming

Primary LanguageVimL

zoom.vim : control gui font size with "+" or "-" keys.
author  : OMI TAKU
url     : http://nanasi.jp/
email   : mail@nanasi.jp
version : 2008/07/18 10:00:00

Control Vim editor font size with key "+", or key "-".
Press "+" key, Vim editor gui font size will change bigger.
And, press "-" key, Vim editor gui font size will change smaller.

This plugin is for GUI only.

Normal Mode:
    +                  ... change font size bigger
    -                  ... change font size smaller

Command-line Mode:
    :ZoomIn            ... change font size bigger
    :ZoomOut           ... change font size smaller
    :ZoomReset         ... reset font size changes.


1. Copy the zoom.vim script to
   $HOME/vimfiles/plugin or $HOME/.vim/plugin directory.
   Refer to ':help add-plugin', ':help add-global-plugin' and
   ':help runtimepath' for more details about Vim plugins.

2. Restart Vim.

" vim: set ff=unix et ft=vim nowrap :