ChallengeMe Website


ChallengeMe is a social media website project that will encourage users to upload videos of their unique skills and get challenged by others who have similar skills.

The website is created using:

  1. ReactJS
  2. HTML5
  3. CSS3
  4. Webpack
  5. Babel
  6. Google Firebase
  7. VideoJS Library,
  8. npm
  9. NodeJS


I created this website in order to learn deeply about the ReactJS Javascript library, webpack, and NodeJS. Also, it will bring more people closer together, once the website is fully ready, and allow them to share their unique skills in life and get encouraged by others to do it better.


The website is hosted at (not even close to the final name, btw). You should be able to Log into the website, upload your profile picture, add a about me section, add social media links, and upload videos. I have yet to add the feature which pulls up the uploaded videos from the database and the "Challenge Me" Feature.