I made this project to get familiar with API's in general (This is my third project on API's). Basically this project will help us get the details of the user along with the projects that the user has worked on.

Primary LanguageCSS

Search for users and Display their Details

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  4. Initial Setup
  5. Render Results

About The Project

MLH This project helps in fetching the data of the users using the Github API and displaying them.

Built With

  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3

Getting Started

This website is build using HTML, CSS and Javascript. No other libraries are required or suggested. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


  • Code editor such as VScode.


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/shahaab/MLH.git
  2. Enter your name in script.js
    getUser("ENTER YOUR NAME");

(back to top)


Initial Setup

  • select form, input, results
  • listen for submit events
  • If empty value, display default
  • create getUser()
  • pass valid input value into the createUserCard()

Render Results

  • iterate over the data fetched by API
  • pull out name, bio, followers, following, no. of repos
  • setup a card and put the above data into div with id 'user-info'
  • pull out repo details such as name, url based on their stars
  • put the repo details based on lexicographical order into div with id 'repos'
  • set the result and display it