
A set of extensions for optimizing/simplifying System.Threading.Channels usage.

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A set of extensions for optimizing/simplifying System.Threading.Channels usage.

Click here for detailed documentation.


Read & Write

With optional concurrency levels.

  • Reading all entries in a channel.
  • Writing all entries from a source to a channel.
  • Piping (consuming) all entries to a buffer (channel).
  • .AsAsyncEnumerable() (IAsyncEnumerable) support for .NET Standard 2.1+ and .NET Core 3+

Special ChannelReader Operations

  • Filter
  • Transform
  • Batch
  • Join


Being able to define an asynchronous pipeline with best practice usage using simple expressive syntax:

await Channel
    .SourceAsync(source /* IEnumerable<Task<T>> */)
        maxConcurrency: 2,
        capacity: 5,
        transform: asyncTransform01)
    .Pipe(transform02, /* capacity */ 3)
    .ReadAllAsync(finalTransformedValue => {
        // Do something async with each final value.
await source /* IEnumerable<T> */
    .ToChannel(boundedSize: 10, singleReader: true)
    .PipeAsync(asyncTransform01, /* capacity */ 5)
        maxConcurrency: 2,
        capacity: 3,
        transform: transform02)
    .ReadAll(finalTransformedValue => {
        // Do something with each final value.

Reading (until the channel is closed)

One by one read each entry from the channel

await channel.ReadAll(
    entry => { /* Processing Code */ });
await channel.ReadAll(
    (entry, index) => { /* Processing Code */ });
await channel.ReadAllAsync(
    async entry => { await /* Processing Code */ });
await channel.ReadAllAsync(
    async (entry, index) => { await /* Processing Code */ });

Read concurrently each entry from the channel

await channel.ReadAllConcurrently(
    entry => { /* Processing Code */ });
await channel.ReadAllConcurrentlyAsync(
    async entry => { await /* Processing Code */ });


If complete is true, the channel will be closed when the source is empty.

Dump a source enumeration into the channel

// source can be any IEnumerable<T>.
await channel.WriteAll(source, complete: true);
// source can be any IEnumerable<Task<T>> or IEnumerable<ValueTask<T>>.
await channel.WriteAllAsync(source, complete: true);

Synchronize reading from the source and process the results concurrently

// source can be any IEnumerable<Task<T>> or IEnumerable<ValueTask<T>>.
await channel.WriteAllConcurrentlyAsync(
    maxConcurrency, source, complete: true);

Filter & Transform

// Filter and transform when reading.
    .Filter(predicate) // .Where()
    .Transform(selector) // .Select()
    .ReadAllAsync(async value => {/*...*/});


    .Batch(10 /*batch size*/)
    .ReadAllAsync(async batch => {/*...*/});


    .ReadAllAsync(async value => {/*...*/});

Pipelining / Transforming

Transform and buffer entries

// Transform values in a source channel to new unbounded channel.
var transformed = channel.Pipe(
    async value => /* transformation */);
// Transform values in a source channel to new unbounded channel with a max concurrency of X.
const X = 4;
var transformed = channel.Pipe(
    X, async value => /* transformation */);
// Transform values in a source channel to new bounded channel bound of N entries.
const N = 5;
var transformed = channel.Pipe(
    async value => /* transformation */, N);
// Transform values in a source channel to new bounded channel bound of N entries with a max concurrency of X.
const X = 4;
const N = 5;
var transformed = channel.Pipe(
    X, async value => /* transformation */, N);

// or
transformed = channel.Pipe(
    maxConcurrency: X,
    capacity: N,
    transform: async value => /* transformation */);