
Social-Networks using Wolfram Mathematica

Primary LanguageMathematica


Social-Networks using Wolfram Mathematica

The course's goal : Introduction to social network analysis. The course deals with basic features of social networks, algorithms for these networks and graph models for these networks.

subject in this in the course:

    ⁃ Unit 1: Introduction
    ⁃ Unit 2: Graph Background and Data sets
    ⁃ Unit 3: Strong and Weak Ties
    ⁃ Unit 4: Homophily , Assortativity Mixing, Modularity
    ⁃ Unit 5: Centrality
    ⁃ Unit 6: Core-Periphery
    ⁃ Unit 7: Community detection
    ⁃ Unit 8: Random Graph Models Erdos-Reny - Preferential Attachment
    ⁃ Unit 9: Power Law Distribution
    ⁃ Unit 10: Small World Networks & Search
    ⁃ Unit 11: Ego Networks (optional)
    ⁃ Unit 12: Diffusion (optional)