
Spam Email Classification using ML classifiers and DNN ( ANN , CNN , RNN ) | Adversarial Attacks , Label flip , Faulty records , KNN (defence)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python Conda Open In Collab Linux

Spam Email Classification | Adversarial Attacks-

1. A comparative study of Machine learning classifiers and deep neural network learning algorithms applied to the problem of Spam emails

2. Exploration of Adversarial attacks on spam email classification learning algorithms

The Methodology/Pipeline of the system is illustrated below :

  • Data Preprocessing
  • Model Training
  • Model Testing and Evaluation


Machine Learning Classifiers :

  1. Multinomial Naive Bayes
  2. Logistic Regression
  3. Support Vector Machines ( linear and Radial basis function )
  4. K-Nearest Neighbours
  5. K-means Clustering
  6. Random Forest
  7. Gradient Boosting
  8. XGBoost
  9. Decision Tree

Deep Learning Algorithms :

  1. DNN ( with word Embeddings )

  2. RNN ( with word Embeddings )

  3. CNN ( with word Embeddings )

  4. DNN ( with word Pretrained Glove Embeddings )

  5. RNN ( with word Pretrained Glove Embeddings )

  6. CNN ( with word Pretrained Glove Embeddings )

Feature Extraction techniques for Machine Learning Classifiers :

tf-idf -> Term Frequency , Inverse Term Frequency

Feature Extraction techniques for Deep Learning Classifiers :

Word Embeddings ( Trainable ) and ( Non - Trainable : glove )

The Glove Embedding Vectors must be downloaded from Stanford Webpage and placed in the root directory for use.

Metrics for Evaluation :

  1. Accuracy
  2. f1-Score
  3. Precision
  4. Recall
  5. ROC-AUC
  6. Error and Loss

Adversarial Attacks -

  1. Label Flipping

Algorithm 1 : Label Flipping

  1. Sample Poisoning (Synonym Replacement, Spam / Ham word Injection

Algorithm 2-1 : Synonym Replacement :

Algorithm 2-1 : Augment emails with synonyms in a certain number of records indexed randomly and derived from a threshold

Algorithm 2-2 : Spam / Ham word Injection :

Algorithm 2-2 : Augment emails with Ham or Spam words in a certain number of records indexed randomly and derived from a threshold / HAM or SPAM word Injection

Algorithm 3 : Addition of new Poisoned Emails algorithm (To do):

Algorithm 3: Addition of new Poisoned emails algorithm, Make new emails with randomly selected ham and spam words.

Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning Models (To do):

  1. Fast Gradient Method (FGM)

  1. Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)

  1. L2 Projected Gradient Descent (PGD)

  1. Linf Projected Gradient Descent (LinfPGD)

Adversarial attacks defensive mechanism (To do):

  1. Application of KNN as Defence

Algorithm 4 : Defence Mechanism

Directory Structure of the repo :

|-- Architecture_Diagrams
|   |-- ann_1.jpeg
|   |-- ann_glove_1.jpeg
|   |-- ANN_glove_1.jpeg
|   |-- ann_glove_2.jpeg
|   |-- ANN_glove_2.jpeg
|   |-- ANN_word_Embedding.jpeg
|   |-- cnn_1.jpeg
|   |-- cnn_glove_1.jpeg
|   |-- CNN_glove_1.jpeg
|   |-- cnn_glove_2.jpeg
|   |-- CNN_glove_2.jpeg
|   |-- CNN_word_Embedding.jpeg
|   |-- rnn_1.jpeg
|   |-- rnn_glove_1.jpeg
|   |-- RNN_glove_1.jpeg
|   |-- rnn_glove_2.jpeg
|   |-- RNN_glove_2.jpeg
|   `-- RNN_word_Embedding.jpeg
|-- comparison
|   |-- classifiers (All Saved Models)
|   |   |-- Decision_tree.pkl
|   |   |-- Gradient_Boosting.pkl
|   |   |-- KNN.pkl
|   |   |-- Logistic_regression.pkl
|   |   |-- MultinomialNB.pkl
|   |   |-- Random_forest.pkl
|   |   |-- SVM_linear.pkl
|   |   |-- SVM_RBF.pkl
|   |   |-- train_test_tf_idf.pkl
|   |   `-- XGBoost.pkl
|   |-- All_models_and_classifiers.csv
|   |-- Classifier_Metrics_Comparison.csv
|   |-- Classifier_Metrics_Comparison_percentage.csv
|   |-- DNN_glove_1_comparison.csv
|   |-- DNN_glove_2_comparison.csv
|   |-- DNN_Models.csv
|   |-- DNN_Models_percent.csv
|   |-- DNN_Trainable_Embeddings_comparison.csv
|   |-- Gradient_boosting_hyperparameters.csv
|   |-- KNN_hyperparameters.csv
|   |-- Label_flip_Adversarial.csv
|   |-- Metrics_Comparison.csv
|   |-- Spam_Ham_Injection_Adversarial.csv
|   |-- Spam_Ham_Injection_random_Adversarial.csv
|   |-- Synonym_Adversarial.csv
|   `-- Tuned_KNN_GB.csv
|-- Datasets
|   |-- archive
|   |   `-- emails.csv
|   `-- spam_dataset_1
|       `-- emails.csv
|-- EDA
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_0.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_10.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_11.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_12.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_13.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_14.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_15.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_16.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_17.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_18.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_19.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_1.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_20.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_21.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_22.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_23.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_24.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_25.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_26.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_27.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_28.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_29.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_2.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_3.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_4.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_5.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_6.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_7.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_8.jpeg
|   |-- LEAST_Word_Counts_9.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_0.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_10.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_11.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_12.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_13.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_14.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_15.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_16.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_17.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_18.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_19.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_1.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_20.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_21.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_22.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_23.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_24.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_25.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_26.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_27.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_28.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_29.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_2.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_3.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_4.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_5.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_6.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_7.jpeg
|   |-- MOST_Word_Counts_8.jpeg
|   `-- MOST_Word_Counts_9.jpeg
|-- glove
|   |-- 6471382cdd837544bf3ac72497a38715e845897d265b2b424b4761832009c837
|   |   |-- glove.6B.100d.txt
|   |   |-- glove.6B.200d.txt
|   |   |-- glove.6B.300d.txt
|   |   `-- glove.6B.50d.txt
|   |-- 357baac33090f645e71e253b3295ee1b767c98a0336e9a1d99c77e9e33b43c4a.zip
|   |-- 6471382cdd837544bf3ac72497a38715e845897d265b2b424b4761832009c837.zip
|   `-- glove.42B.300d.txt
|-- heatmaps
|   |-- ANN_glove_2.jpeg
|   |-- ANN_glove.jpeg
|   |-- ANN.jpeg
|   |-- CNN_glove_2.jpeg
|   |-- CNN_glove.jpeg
|   |-- CNN.jpeg
|   |-- Descision_Tree.jpeg
|   |-- Gradient_boosting.jpeg
|   |-- KNN.jpeg
|   |-- Linear_SVC.jpeg
|   |-- Logistic_Regression.jpeg
|   |-- Naive_Bayes.jpeg
|   |-- Random_Forest.jpeg
|   |-- RNN_glove_2.jpeg
|   |-- RNN_glove.jpeg
|   |-- RNN.jpeg
|   |-- SVC.jpeg
|   |-- XGBoost.jpeg
|   `-- XGBoost_tuned.jpeg
|-- Model
|   |-- ANN_glove_1.h5
|   |-- ANN_glove_2.h5
|   |-- ANN.h5
|   |-- CNN_glove_1.h5
|   |-- CNN_glove_2.h5
|   |-- CNN.h5
|   |-- model.zip
|   |-- RNN_glove_1.h5
|   |-- RNN_glove_2.h5
|   `-- RNN.h5
|-- __pycache__
|   `-- utils.cpython-38.pyc
|-- Visuals
|   |-- Acc-Loss
|   |   |-- ann_accuracy_loss.jpeg
|   |   |-- ann_glove_accuracy_loss_2.jpeg
|   |   |-- ann_glove_accuracy_loss.jpeg
|   |   |-- cnn_accuracy_loss.jpeg
|   |   |-- cnn_glove_accuracy_loss_2.jpeg
|   |   |-- cnn_glove_accuracy_loss.jpeg
|   |   |-- rnn_accuracy_loss.jpeg
|   |   |-- rnn_glove_accuracy_loss_2.jpeg
|   |   `-- rnn_glove_accuracy_loss.jpeg
|   |-- AU-ROC
|   |   |-- AUC_ANN_GLOVE_2.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_ANN_GLOVE.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_ANN.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_CNN_GLOVE_2.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_CNN_GLOVE.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_Descision_Tree.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_Gradient_Boosting.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_KNN.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_KNN_tuned.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_Logistic_regression.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_NB.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_NB_tuned.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_Random_Forest.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_RNN_GLOVE_2.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_RNN_GLOVE.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_RNN.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_SVC.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_SVM_Linear.jpeg
|   |   |-- AUC_XGBoost.jpeg
|   |   `-- AUC_XGBoost_tuned.jpeg
|   |-- T-SNE
|   |   |-- ann_Embeddings_1.jpeg
|   |   |-- ann_glove_Embeddings_1.jpeg
|   |   |-- ann_glove_Embeddings_2.jpeg
|   |   |-- cnn_Embeddings_1.jpeg
|   |   |-- cnn_glove_Embeddings_1.jpeg
|   |   |-- cnn_glove_Embeddings_2.jpeg
|   |   |-- rnn_Embeddings_1.jpeg
|   |   |-- rnn_glove_Embeddings_1.jpeg
|   |   `-- rnn_glove_Embeddings_2.jpeg
|   |-- Ham_Overall_Frequency_Distribution.jpeg
|   |-- ham_vs_spam.jpeg
|   |-- modelComparison.png
|   |-- Overall_Frequency_Distribution.jpeg
|   |-- Spam_Overall_Frequency_Distribution.jpeg
|   |-- wordcloud_ham.jpeg
|   |-- wordcloud_overall.jpeg
|   `-- wordcloud_spam.jpeg
|-- alg-1.png
|-- alg-2-1.png
|-- alg-2-2.png
|-- alg-3.png
|-- alg-4.png
|-- Augmented_emails.csv
|-- Comparison of Models | Adversarial Attacks data Preparation.ipynb
|-- emails.csv
|-- glove.6B.100d.txt
|-- Methodology.jpg
|-- Plot Model Architectures.ipynb
|-- README.md
|-- SPAM Email Classification .ipynb
|-- Spam_Email_Classification_with_ANN,_RNN,_CNN_with_pretrained_glove_Word_embeddings_1_.ipynb
|-- Spam_Email_Classification_with_ANN,_RNN,_CNN_with_pretrained_glove_Word_embeddings_2.ipynb
|-- Spam_Email_Classification_with_ANN,_RNN,_CNN_with_word_embeddings_respectively.ipynb
|-- tfidf.csv
`-- utils.py

Citation :

  author={Hasan, Md. Mohidul and Zaman, Syed Mahbubuz and Talukdar, Md. Asif and Siddika, Ayesha and Rabiul Alam, Md. Golam},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI)}, 
  title={An Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms and Deep Neural Networks for Email Spam Classification using Natural Language Processing}, 