
A telegram bot, built with python, using APIs with various options to check the Bitcoin and Ethereum values and addresses.

Primary LanguagePython


A telegram bot, built with python, using APIs with various options to check the Bitcoin and Ethereum values and addresses

Python 3.8 Try it on telegram

In this folder, there are 3 files:

  1. bot.py - build bot configurations and functionalities
  2. functions.py - utilities for bot functions
  3. main.py - run the bot

Packages used:

1. telegram
2. telegram.ext
3. requests
4. cv2
5. cryptoaddress

To run the bot, please follow these instructions:

1. run the file main.py on your terminal
2. open this URL: https://t.me/is_it_crypto_bot
3. press /start

This bot contains a menu with 6 options:

1. Current Bitcoin currency- returns the current Bitcoin mean value from the last 24 hours.
2. Current Ethereum currency- returns the current Ethereum mean value from the last 24 hours.
3. Check My Bitcoin Address- asking for a Bitcoin address and return its balance in Satoshi and USD. If the address is not valid- returns an error massage.
4. Check My Ethereum Address- asking for a Ethereum address and returns its balance in ETH and USD. If the address is not valid- returns an error massage.
5. I don't know what coin I'm using!- In case you do not know if it is a Bitcoin or Ethereum address. Requests to enter some address and returns the corresponding value in Bitcoin or Ethereum, otherwise returns an error message.
6. Scan QR Code- Requests a photo of a QR code, if the code is a valid address (Bitcoin or Ethereum), returns its value, otherwise returns an error message