
A Matlab implementation of the paper "Large-Scale Bounded Distortion Mappings"

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Large-Scale Bounded Distortion Mappings

A Matlab implementation of the paper "Large-Scale Bounded Distortion Mappings".

The class SolverProjectorBD.m implements the algorithm described in the paper for computing bounded-distortion mappings via a Gauss-Newton-like approach.

Three examples are included in this package:

  • example_ProjBD_Mesh2D.m demonstrates the computation a bounded-distortion mapping of a 2D triangular mesh.
  • example_ProjBD_Mesh3D.m demonstrates the computation a bounded-distortion mapping of a 3D tetrahedral mesh.
  • example_ProjBD_Surface.m demonstrates the computation a bounded-distortion mapping of a 3D surface triangular mesh. The input to all examples are randomly generated mappings that have high distortions and flipped elements.

Compatibility: The code was tested with Matlab (2014b). The code depends on two mex files, Windows (x64) binaries are included; they are compiled with Intel C++ Composer XE 2016 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013; compilation requires Eigen. The source code is provided under the mex/ folder; run compileAllMex.m to compile all mex files (only tested under windows).

Disclaimer: The code is provided as-is for academic use only and without any guarantees. Please contact the author to report any bugs. Written by Shahar Kovalsky.