
Hidden Markov model (HMM) for predicting somatic loss of heterozygosity and allelic imbalance in whole tumour genome sequencing data.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Running the compiled software

There are 2 ways to run the compiled software: 1) executable or 2) shell script. These options are offered by the Matlab as a result of using the MCR compiler. If you have MCR already installed and added to your path (specifically the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable) then you can use the executable; otherwise, use the shell script as it allows you to manually specify the MCR install path.

### In Linux ###
cd <$install_dir>/APOLLOH_0.1.1/bin/

### Option 1) Run APOLLOH: Executable ###
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<$install_dir>/MATLAB_Component_Runtime/v77/runtime/glnxa64/:<$install_dir>/MATLAB_Component_Runtime/v77/sys/os/glnxa64/:<$install_dir>/MATLAB_Component_Runtime/v77/bin/glnxa64/
./apolloh <$input_allelic_ratio_datafile> <$input_copy_number_datafile> ../parameters/K18/apolloh_K18_params_Illumina_stromalRatio_Hyper10k.mat <$output_converged_parameter_file> <$output_results_file>

### Option 2) Run APOLLOH: Shell Script ###
./run_apolloh.sh <$install_dir>/MATLAB_Component_Runtime/v77/ <$input_allelic_ratio_datafile> <$input_copy_number_datafile> ../parameters/K18/apolloh_K18_params_Illumina_stromalRatio_Hyper10k.mat <$output_converged_parameter_file> <$output_results_file>

### Sort data by chromosome and position ###
sort -k1,1n -k2,2n <$output_results_file> tmp.txt
mv tmp.txt <$output_results_file>

### Generate segment file ###
../scripts/createSingleSegFileFromAPOLLOH.pl -i <$output_results_file> -o <$output_segment_results_file> -calls 1;

Example: Running the compiled software on test data

We have provided some data and a script to test that APOLLOH is properly installed and able to run. These files can also serve as a guide to preparing and formatting your input data files.

> cd test/
> head -5 cnfile.txt
ID chrom start end num.mark seg.mean state.num state.name
test 1 1 340000 340 0.128103 3 NEUT
test 1 340001 354000 14 0.672409 5 AMP
test 1 354001 1509000 1155 0.135829 3 NEUT
test 1 1509001 1542000 33 0.833131 6 HLAMP
test 1 1542001 5288000 3746 0.137101 3 NEUT
> head -5 infile.txt
1 1 N 27 N 3
1 698 N 16 N 3
1 4803 N 2 N 9
1 7652 N 37 N 6
1 7997 N 1 N 8
> ./run_APOLLOH_test.sh

Running the software in Matlab

If you have Matlab installed and wish to run within the Matlab environment, then you can start up Matlab and add the source files before executing the main function.

> ### In Linux ###
> cd <$install_dir>/APOLLOH_0.1.0/bin/
> <$matlab_dir>/bin/matlab
>> % In Matlab
>> addpath(genpath("<$install_dir>/APOLLOH_0.1.0/hmm"))
>> addpath(genpath("<$install_dir>/APOLLOH_0.1.0/util"))
>> % assuming your have all the arguments to the main function assigned...
>> apolloh(infile,cnfile,paramset,outparam,outfile)

Inputs and Outputs

When using the compiled executable or running within the Matlab environment, the same input/output files and parameters are required:

Function apolloh(infile,cnfile,paramset,outparam,outfile)

infile         Tab-delimited input file containing allelic counts
                 from the tumour at positions determined as heterozygous
                 from the normal genome. 
                 No header line is assumed.
                6 columns:
                    1) chr (integer; 'X' and 'Y' strings can be used)
                    2) position
                    3) reference base (can be arbitrary; not used)
                    4) referenc count
                    5) non-reference base (can be arbitrary; not used)
                    6) non-reference count 

cnfile         Tab-delimited input copy number segment prior file.
                  The accepted format is the output from HMMcopy,
                  a read-depth for analyzing copy number in tumour-
                  normal sequenced genomes.  
                  However, copy number segments from any source can be used.                
                    1) id (can be arbitrary, not used)
                    2) chr
                    3) start  
                    4) stop
                    5) Number of 1kb intervals (can be arbitrary; not used)
                    6) median log2 ratio (normal and tumour) for segment
                    7) HMM state: 1=HOMD (0 copies), 2=HEMD (1 copy),
                        3=NEUT (2 copies), 4=GAIN (3 copies),
                        5=AMP (4 copies), 6=HLAMP (5+ copies)
                        Note that for AMP and HLAMP, relative numbers of copies
                        can be used (i.e. GAIN is 3-4 copies, AMP is 5-6 copies,
                        HLAMP is 7+ copies)
                    8 ) CN state (can be arbitrary; not used)
                  If cnfile='0' is used, then copy number of 2 (diploid) is used
                    for all positions.  

paramset       Parameter intialization file is a matlab binary (.mat) file.
                      This file contains model and setting paramters necessary
                      to run the program.
                      See examples in "<$install_dir>/APOLLOH_0.1.0/parameters/".

outfile        Tab-delimited output file for position-level results. 
                     1) chr ('X' and 'Y' will be output as 23 and 24)
                     2) position
                     3) reference count
                     4) non-reference count
                     5) total depth
                     6) allelic ratio
                     7) copy number (from input)
                     8 ) APOLLOH genotype state
                     9) Zygosity state.
                  N additional columns:
                     posterior marginal probabilities (responsibilities) for
                     each APOLLOH genotype state. 
                 Zygosity states are:
                    DLOH=deletion-LOH (state 1)
                    NLOH=copy-neutral-LOH (states 2,4)
                    ALOH=amplified-LOH (states 5,8,9,13,14,19)
                    HET=heterozygous (states 3,6,7)
                    ASCNA=allele-specific-amplification (states 10,12,15,18)
                    BCNA=balanced-amplification (states 11,16,17)

                  Segment boundaries are determined as consecutive
                   marginal states of DLOH, NLOH, ALOH, HET, BCNA,
                   ASCNA; this implementation does not output this
                   information. An external Perl script handles this: "

outparam       Tab-delimited output file storing converged parameters
                       after model training using Expectation Maximization (EM)
                     1) Number of iterations 
                     2) Global normal contamination parameter 
                     3) Binomial parameters for each HMM class/state.