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#1589F0 Understanding the Relationship Between Inventory Levels and Sales Using SQL-Correlation Coefficient

In inventory management, it's crucial to understand how inventory levels correlate with sales. One effective method for analyzing this relationship is by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient. In this article, we will break down an SQL query that accomplishes this task, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimize your inventory.


#b300b3 Mastering Inventory Management with Advanced SQL Techniques in SAP Business One

This article demonstrates pros and implementation processes in SAP Business One by examining two key inventory management strategies – FSA (Fast & Slow Moving) analysis and ABC Analysis.


#c5f015 Analyzing Customer Performance with Advanced SQL Queries in SAP Business One

With businesses that continue to grow and automation of processes is taking place, it is important to take a deep dive to gain insights into customer’s behaviour and its performance that can have a significant impact on the outcome on the business. SAP Business One has that flexibility and it also provides tools to extract key information from our data that can help us make informed decisions. Through this blog, we will try to explore and advanced SQL query that can help us analyze different aspects of business partner.
