Work in progress - please report any issues you find.
This utility 'Azure to Terraform' (az2tf) reads an Azure Subscription and generates all the required terraform configuration files (.tf) from each of the composite Azure Resource Groups It also imports the terraform state using a
"terraform import ...." command
And finally runs a
"terraform plan ." command
There should hopefully be no subsequent additions or deletions reported by the terraform plan command as all the approriate terraform configuration files will have have automatically been created.
- The tool is written for the bash shell script & Python2 and has been tested on macOS
- Azure cli2 version 2.0.65 or higher needs to be installed and you need a login with at least "Read" priviledges
- terraform version v0.12.1 needs to be installed
- Python v2.7
Running the tool in your local shell (bash) required these steps:
- Unzip or clone this git repo into an empty directory
- login to the Azure cli2 (az login)
- run the tool
To generate the terraform files for a subscription and stop after a "terraform validate":
./ -s <Subscription ID> -v yes
The above will either show :
terraform validate
Success! The configuration is valid.
Or there may be some kind of python error. (as trying to test everyone's Azure combinations in advance isn't possible)
If you happen to find one of these errors please open an issue here and paste in the error and it will get fixed.
Once the validation is ok you can use the tool in anger to not only generate the terraform files (-v yes) but also import the resources and perofrm a terraform plan (see below)
To generate the terraform files for an entire Azure subscription, import the resourcs and perform a terraform plan:
./ -s <Subscription ID>
To include Azure Subscription Policies and RBAC controls and assignments:
./ -s <Subscription ID> -p yes
To generate the terraform files for a specific Resource Group in a subscription:
./ -s <Subscription ID> -g <Resource Group>
To include the secrets from a Key Vault in terraform files (secrets will be in plain text):
./ -s <Subscription ID> -g <Resource Group> -x yes
To filter the terraform resource type: (eg: just availability sets)
./ -s <Subscription ID> -g <Resource Group> -r azurerm_availability_set
To filter the terraform resource type: (eg: just availability sets) and fast forward - ie. build up resources one after another.:
./ -s <Subscription ID> -g <Resource Group> -r azurerm_rsource_group
./ -s <Subscription ID> -g <Resource Group> -r azurerm_availability_set -f yes
./ -s <Subscription ID> -g <Resource Group> -r azurerm_public_ip -f yes
To use the fast forward option correctly you'll need a good understanding of terraform resource dependancies to ensure you avoid any depenacy errors.
Be patient - lots of output is given as az2tf:
- Loops for each provider through your resource groups &
- Creates the requited *.tf configuration files in the "generated" directory
- Performs the necessary 'terraform import' commands
- And finally runs a 'terraform plan'
The following terraform resource types are supported by this tool at this time:
Base Resources
- azurerm_resource_group
Authorization Resources
- azurerm_role_definition (subscription level)
- azurerm_role_assignment (subscription level)
- azurerm_user_assigned_identity
Active Directory Resources
App Service (Web Apps) Resources
- azurerm_app_service
- azurerm_app_service_plan
- azurerm_function_app
Automation Resources
- azurerm_automation_account
Compute Resources
- azurerm_availability_set
- azurerm_image
- azurerm_managed_disk
- azurerm_shared_image_gallery
- azurerm_shared_image
- azurerm_shared_image_version
- azurerm_snapshot
- azurerm_virtual_machine
- azurerm_virtual_machine_extension
- azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set
Container Resources
- azurerm_container_registry
- azurerm_kubernetes_cluster
CosmosDB (DocumentDB) Resources
- azurerm_cosmosdb_account
Database Resources
- azurerm_sql_database
- azurerm_sql_server
Databricks Resources
- azurerm_databricks_resources
Key Vault Resources
- azurerm_key_vault
- azurerm_key_vault_secret
Load Balancer Resources
- azurerm_lb
- azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool
- azurerm_lb_rule
- azure_nat_rule
- azurerm_lb_probe
- azure_nat_pool
Logic App Resources
- azurerm_logic_app_workflow
Management Resources
- azurerm_management_lock
Messaging Resources
- azurerm_servicebus_namespace
- azurerm_servicebus_queue
Monitoring Resources
- azurerm_autoscale_setting
Network Resources
- azurerm_application_gateway
- azurerm_application_security_group
- azurerm_express_route_circuit
- azurerm_express_route_circuit_authorization
- azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering
- azurerm_local_network_gateway
- azurerm_network_interface
- azurerm_network_security_group
- azurerm_network_watcher
- azurerm_public_ip
- azurerm_route_table
- azurerm_subnet
- azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association
- azurerm_subnet_route_table_group_association
- azurerm_traffic_manager_endpoint
- azurerm_traffic_manager_profile
- azurerm_virtual_network
- azurerm_virtual_network_gateway
- azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection
- azurerm_virtual_network_peering
Policy Resources
- azurerm_policy_definition (custom poicies only)
- azurerm_policy_set_definition (custom poicies only)
- azurerm_policy_assignment
OMS Resources
- azurerm_log_analytics_solution
- azurerm_log_analytics_workspace
Recovery Services
- azurerm_recovery_services_vault
Storage Resources
- azurerm_storage_account
(Full) = full support for all terraform attributes (Common) = support for the most Common terraform attributes (Partial) = support for some of the terraform attributes
- PaaS databases and other missing providers (feel free to contribute !)
- ongoing better AKS support as AKS evolves
- Other terraform providers as terraform supports
Within the runbook directory you'll file a file
You can paste this code into an Azure python2 runbook, your automation account must have an Azure ARM Runas credential setup.
When runs it will leave you subscriptions terraform and terraform import caommands in the runbook output window
Unfortunately this only works for small subscriptions as Azure currently has a limit on how much output it will show in an runbooks output window. If your output window is blank - az2tf has probably worked (see the All Logs tab) but the amount of output has exceeded Azure's limit.
If you find any output in the Exceptions tab please open an issue here and report it.
It can take a lot of time to loop around everything in large subscriptions, in particular the importing of the resources.
Can fail if your login/SPN doesn't have acccess to the KeyVault
These attributes always get reported in terraform plan set to false by default - may need to manually override
- delete_data_disks_on_termination: "" => "false"
- delete_os_disk_on_termination: "" => "false"
Can fail if your login/SPN doesn't have acccess the KeyVault used for encryption Can also fail of resource locks are in place
If solutions have '[' & ']' in their names they will be ignored.
No support for MS peering (don't have one to test!)
terraform doesn't support the "All" permission anymore but you may still have vaults using that permission.
if no bgp settings specified for VNet Gateway, terraform plan
will report
a benign change
see issue in github
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
~ azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.rg-$RGNAME__vgw-$VGWNAME
bgp_settings.#: "" => <computed>