
PC Builder App. This Project is build with Next JS framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Features

  • User can login with github authentication system
  • In PC Builder page user can select pc parts and build a PC
  • Site is responsive for desktop & mobile device
  • State management by react redux

Instructions to run the project

Pre requirement - Must have nodejs install in your system

  1. First clone both client and server project from github
  2. Install all dependencies for both project by - npm install
  3. After installing all dependencies create a .env file in both project
  4. Copy all data from .env.example file and paste it in .env file
  5. Start both project by - npm run dev

Client .env example:-

  • GITHUB_ID=replace_by_your_credentials
  • GITHUB_SECRET=replace_by_your_credentials
  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET=replace_by_your_credentials
  • NEXTAUTH_URL=local_site_url/production_site_url