
Primary LanguageKotlin



Booksy app allows you to browse our curated collection of books. Buy what you like and read online.

booksy_ss_login booksy_ss_account

booksy_ss_home booksy_ss_detail

booksy_ss_shelf_empty booksy_ss_shelf


Feel free to clone the project and build it yourself. Or if you're feeling lazy, grab the latest apk from releases and get going.

PS: The app looks better if you turn ON dark mode.


  • Login using your google account (more services coming soon)
  • Browse & Search for Books
  • Get extended info including summary, publisher ratings and author info
  • Buy books and add them to bookshelf.
  • Read books in the app.

... and ...

  • Dark mode support for Android 10
  • Adaptive icons support
  • Smooth transitions between pages

Ideas for the future

  • The app could do with some loading animations while fetching data
  • Migrate the UI to Jetpack compose
  • Sort books by Title, Year .etc
  • Integrate with an ISBN api like Openlibrary or Amazon

Design Process

The app was designed using Adobe XD (with some "help" from Dribble). In fact, I happened to be developing a very similar app as a personal hobby. So it was just a matter of adapting the design.

You can Download the XD file from the releases page