
an attempt to build a CRUD app using laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

Dev Resources

Tutorial that was followed: https://auth0.com/blog/build-a-laravel-6-app-with-authentication/#Installation

Running Locally

  • get local DB running using XAMP
  • seed and migrate if required
  • just run php artisan serve

Deploy Instructions

  • Clone outside public_html as passenger
  • Run composer install
  • Copy passenger/public to public_html : cp -R public/* ../public_html
  • Change paths in index.php from ../ to ../passenger/ (or use the index.deploy.php)
  • Create .env file and connect database
  • Migrate DB php artisan migrate:refresh --seed ( Just php artisan migrate after the first time )
  • Create laravel symlinks to storage: php artisan storage:link in project root
  • Create symlink in public_html: ln -s ../passenger/storage/app/public/ -T storage