Technology Stack




User Stories

As a portfolio owner
In order to give a concise information about me to the visitor
I would like to create a homepage with my name and small description about me

As a visitor
In order to get more information about the portfolio owner
I would like to see an about page with some informations and an image

As a visitor
In order to get information about how many projects the portfolio owner has completed
I would like to see a list of completed projects

As a visitor
In order to go to different sections in the website
I would like to see a menu of the links that forward me to the desired section

As a visitor
In order to contact the portfolio owner
I would like to see a form where I can write a message

As a visitor
In order to see the social activities of the portfolio owner
I would like to see social media links

As a visitor
In order to learn about the professional background of the portfolio owner
I would like to see the academic background and work experiences

