
📌 some problem solving using dart

Primary LanguageDart

💡 Tasks Dart 🎯

This repository contains problem solving using dart.

📝 Task 1

  • Create a List containing tasks that need to be done (e.g., "Grocery shopping," "Clean the room," "Read a new book"). Then, add a new task to the list and print the updated list.

📝 Task 2

  • Create an empty List, add several integers to it, then calculate the sum of the numbers and print it.

📝 Task 3

  • Create two Sets containing odd and even numbers from 1 to 10, then find their intersection , difference, union and print their.

📝 Task 4

  • You have two Lists: one containing the names of friends and the other containing the names of colleagues. Merge the two lists into one, removing any duplicate names if they exist, then print the final list.

📝 Task 5

  • Create a List containing the first 10 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...). Then, print the list.

📝 Task 6

  • You have a String containing a phrase like "programming is fun." Create a Set containing the repeated characters in the phrase and print them.

📝 Task 7

  • You have an unsorted List containing numbers. Sort the list in ascending order using the appropriate method and print the sorted list.