
🚀 Built with Flutter, this repo project for HurryUp Hackathon 2024

Primary LanguageDart

👋 Hackathon Twitch Clone App 👩‍💻

This repository contains the code for a Twitch clone developed as part of the Hurry App project.

🚀 Features 👈

◻️ Email & Password Authentication

◻️ Screensharing

◻️ Selecting Thumbnail

◻️ Going Live

◻️ Joining LiveStream

◻️ Switching Camera

◻️ Muting/Unmuting

◻️ Chatting

◻️ Cross Platform

◻️ Responsive UI

◻️ Token Generation using GO (Create Your API)

◻️ Deploy Server

◻️ Deploy Website

✏️ Technologies Used 👈

◼️ Dart

◼️ Project Layout

◼️ Routes

◼️ Bottom NavBar

◼️ Firebase

◼️ Storing Livestream Data in Firebase

◼️ Agora & Golang

◼️ Agora App ID

◼️ Agora Temporary Token

◼️ Creating & Deploying API using GO

◼️ Picking Image from Gallery

◼️ App Responsive

🎯 Getting Started 💯

To get started with the project, follow fours steps:

1️⃣. Clone the repository:

 git clone https://github.com/shahlaa1212/hurry_app_twitch_clone.git

2️⃣. Navigate to the project directory:

 cd flutter_hurry_app_twitch_clone

3️⃣. Install dependencies:

 flutter pub get

4️⃣. Run the app:

  flutter run

🙏 Contributing 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻

Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the project.