Car Shop

Find best car deals and buy easily.

Proedure to run this

This project is made with JavaScript stack. For frontend I used React, React Hooks, Redux, Axios, React Router, Bootstrap etc. And for backend I used express.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, Mongoose etc.

It has full CRUD API in backend.

Frontend and Backend has separate directory.

Setup Backend API Server

  • To run API server we need to run npm install at the root directory
  • Then run npm run dev
  • To run API server successfully you must have TypeScript installed
  • API server used MongoDB as database. You must have MongoDB setup or use MongoDB Atlas with DB_STRING environment variable
  • To use environment variable create a new .env file and use the content of .env-example file.

Setup Client

  • To setup client we need to run cd client && npm install
  • Then run npm start


  • Landing page have a search bar. Search car by brand name. Make Sure you added them before searching, otherwise no result will be found.
  • You can add new car, update, delete and read also.

Screenshot are added to the screenshot folder of this repo