
Adapting U-Net convolutional network for skull stripping.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Environment Set Up

Set up Python 3 on log-in node

Loading dependent modules

module load gcc/4.9.3 cuda/8.0 cudnn/5.1
module load python3/3.5.2

Save and Restore Modules Dependencies

Since Maverick refreshes the modules everytime we log in, we could save the current environment into a module collection. Next time when we log in, we coudl simply restore the module from the list.

Save the current modules into the collection py3

module save py3

Restore the modules from the colleciton py3

module restore py3

Set up virtual environment for the project

Under the project directory $WORK\maverick\my-project, create an virtual environment named venv with python 3

virtualenv -p python3 venv

To activate the virtual environment venv, run

source ./venv/bin/activate

Install tensorflow

Due to driver issues, installing tensorflow with pip doesn't work on Maverick. We need to load the provided module to get it working.

module load tensorflow-gpu

Install Keras

After activating the virutalenv, using pip to install Keras.

pip install keras

SLURM Config

Create SLURM file

Under the project directory, create a file myjob.slurm

touch myjob.slurm

Now the structure of the project directory is

- my-project
    - venv
        - ...
    - main.py
    - myjob.slurm   

Edit myjob.slurm (Note: the path in main.py is also relative to myjob.slurm)


#SBATCH -J skstrp                               # Job Name
#SBATCH -o ./output/skstrp.%j.out               # Output file (%j is the job id)
#SBATCH -p gpu-long                             # Queue Name
#SBATCH -N 1                                    # Total number of nodes requested
#SBATCH -n 1                                    # Total number of mpi tasks
#SBATCH -t 48:00:00                             # Requested run time (hh:mm:ss)
#SBATCH --mail-user=yliu30@mdanderson.org       # Email
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=end

# Loading dependencies into module
module load gcc/4.9.3 cuda/8.0 cudnn/5.1
module load python3/3.5.2
module load tensorflow-gpu

# Activate virtualenv
source ./venv/bin/activate

# Start the job
python ./main.py

Submit job to the queue


sbatch ./myjob.slurm

To check the status of the job in queue,

squeue -u username