Food Ordering Website

This is a simple web application for food ordering, allowing users to browse menus, place orders, and make payments online. The project is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP for the backend.


  • Restaurant Selection: Users can browse through a list of restaurants available on the platform and view their menus.
  • Menu Customization: Users can customize their food orders by selecting options, adding extras, specifying dietary preferences, and leaving special instructions.
  • Order Placement: Users can place their food orders, review their selections, and proceed to checkout.
  • Online Payment: The website supports secure online payment options, allowing users to complete their transactions electronically.
  • Order Tracking: Users can track the status of their orders, including preparation, delivery, and estimated arrival times.
  • User Ratings and Reviews: Users can provide feedback by rating and reviewing the restaurants and dishes they have ordered.
  • Order History: Users can view their order history, including past orders, details, and receipts.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: PHP
  • Database: MySQL

Database Schema

The MySQL database can have the following tables:

  • Users: Stores user information such as ID, name, email, and password.
  • Restaurants: Stores information about the restaurants available on the platform, including ID, name, address, and contact details.
  • MenuItems: Contains information about the items available on each restaurant's menu, including ID, name, description, price, and restaurant ID (foreign key).
  • Orders: Stores order details, including ID, user ID (foreign key), restaurant ID (foreign key), order status, and order total.
  • OrderItems: Represents the items included in each order, including ID, order ID (foreign key), menu item ID (foreign key), quantity, and special instructions.

You can create these tables with the necessary columns based on your specific requirements.

Getting Started

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone <repository-url>
  2. Set up your local PHP environment and configure the database connection details in the project.
  3. Import the database schema and initial data (restaurants, menu items) into your MySQL database.
  4. Start the PHP development server: php -S localhost:8000
  5. Open the web application in your browser: http://localhost:8000


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Please ensure that your code follows the existing project structure and adheres to the coding standards. Include relevant documentation and test your changes thoroughly before submitting a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and distribute it according to your needs.


For any inquiries or support, please email us at []