
Coding na paray buke khub betha.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to run this project?

  1. If NodeJS not installed in your system, install it from Here
  2. Put the .env file in the project root folder. (given in the email)
  3. Run command npm i in root folder to install server dependencies.
  4. Run command npm i inside client folder to install client dependencies.
  5. In project root folder run npm run dev command to start the servers.
  6. Go to the http://localhost:3000.
  7. That's all.


Client development server http://localhost:3000

  • /. Khoj the search page.
  • /login. The login page.
  • /register. The register page.

API endpoints

Server development server http://localhost:3001

Users routes

Method Route Description Access
GET /api/users Get all users Public
POST /api/users Create users Public
POST /api/users/login Login users Public

Record routes

Method Route Description Access
POST /api/records Insert user's input values to the database in descending order in payload field Public
GET /api/records Get input values by 3 given parameters (More details in below) Public

Get input values by 3 given parameters

Here user have to give 3 query parameters listed below

  • start_datetime. Input date format YEAR-MONTH-DAY. You can also add datetime like this format YEAR-MONTH-DAY:HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND
  • end_datetime. Same as start_datetime
  • user_id. This Id must be valid user objectId.

User must have to give 3 parameters to get 200 response

So the query String will be


The response

	"status": "success",
	"id": "6149e64d0a0986e0e43510ca",
	"payload": [
			"timestamp": "2021-09-23T18:11:20.456Z",
			"input_values": "20, 14, 9, 8",
			"_id": "614cc3a2a60ab4be7b3cc9d6"
			"timestamp": "2021-09-23T18:11:20.456Z",
			"input_values": "10, 8, 6, 2, 1",
			"_id": "614cc3f4a60ab4be7b3cc9de"

If the qurey is


Then the respone

	"status": "success",
	"id": "6149e64d0a0986e0e43510ca",
	"payload": []