I am currently an Undergraduate Senior at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangladesh University Of Engineering & Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pinned Repositories
This is the code for our Machine Learning Project on Skin Lesion Classification Task.
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 102: Structured Programming Language Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-1 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 101 to problem-solving. We also learned igraphics (an OpenGL library) for animations, culminating in a term project.
Database Project of Level 2 Term 2
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 308: Software Engineering Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-3 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 307 to implement different design patterns
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 326 : Information System Design Sessional course, part of our Term-2, Level-3 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 325 to implement system design practically.
This is the part of CSE 326 : Information System Design Sessional course. This is part of a group project, where we had to build one module of the system we designed
This project was the part of CSE 406 Computer Security Sessional course. The project was on gobuster, a security tool. This was a team project
Here are all the offlines and onlines of Computer Graphics Sessional
Here is the frontend of PawCare
shahriar-raj's Repositories
Database Project of Level 2 Term 2
Here is the frontend of PawCare
This is the part of CSE 326 : Information System Design Sessional course. This is part of a group project, where we had to build one module of the system we designed
Here are all the offlines and onlines of Computer Graphics Sessional
This is the code for our Machine Learning Project on Skin Lesion Classification Task.
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 102: Structured Programming Language Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-1 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 101 to problem-solving. We also learned igraphics (an OpenGL library) for animations, culminating in a term project.
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 108: Object Oriented Programming Language Sessional course, part of our Term-2, Level-1 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 107 to problem-solving. We also learned JavaFX for frontend and made a java project "Football Player Database"
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 204: Data Structures and Algorithms I Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-2 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 203 to problem-solving and creating data structures without stl library.
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 206: Digital Logic Design Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-2 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 205 to implement digital logics and practically experience them.
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 208: Data Structures and Algorithms II Sessional course, part of our Term-2, Level-2 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 207 to problem-solving and creating data structures.
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 306 : Computer Architecture Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-3 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 305 to implement different components of computer architecture..
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 308: Software Engineering Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-3 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 307 to implement different design patterns
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 326 : Information System Design Sessional course, part of our Term-2, Level-3 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 325 to implement system design practically.
This project was the part of CSE 406 Computer Security Sessional course. The project was on gobuster, a security tool. This was a team project
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 310 : Compiler Sessional course, part of our Term-1, Level-3 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 309 to build a C compiler.
This repository contains all home and lab assignments for the CSE 314: Operating System Sessional course, part of our Term-2, Level-3 curriculum. It applies theories from CSE 313 to implement various OS parts..