
This project is for understanding the fundamentals of a MERN application with CRUD operations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic MERN Project


This project is for understanding the fundamentals of a MERN application. In this README.md file I have listed all the steps I took to build a very simple MERN application which can perfrom CRUD operations.


  1. Created server.js file and wrote console.log("Hello from Node.js");

  2. Opened the terminal and wrote: node server.js --> that gave us the output

  3. wrote: npm init -y --> That created a package.json which will keep track of all dependencies

  4. Install Express.js --> npm install express

  5. After setting up basic web server if we go to terminal and type: node server.js then our teminal won't stop running

  6. Now in the browser if we go to localhost:3000 we will see our welcome message

  7. If we go to localhost:3000/admin then we will see the welcome message for admins

  8. So this is already the "E" and "N" of the "MERN" stack

  9. We would use MongoDB locally on our machine

  10. Open MongoDB Compass and click on Connect without giving any connection string to it. This will show us some pre-built databases which we can avoid

  11. We can create our database from the + sign below and name it as BasicMernApp and we can also give it a collection. Let's name it as cats then we can add some data to that collection

  12. To connect MongoDB to the app we need to install MongoDB driver: npm install mongodb

  13. When we are working locally with MongoDB the connection string will be mongodb://localhost:27017/DB_NAME

  14. We need to restart the server for every changes that we make. It's a tidious task. So to automate this we need to npm install nodemon This will automatically restart the server with each change that we make

  15. To setup nodemon we need to go to package.json and inside scripts we need to type the name of our server and necessary command to run that. For example we can type: "ourserver": "nodemon server.js"

  16. Now we can just go to the terminal and type npm run ourserver and then nodemon will automatically restart the server for us anytime we save a change

  17. To get the ejs template engine we need to go to terminal and type: npm install ejs

  18. To setup React for client side we need a bunch of packages to install. So go to terminal and type:

npm install react react-dom @babel/core @babel/preset-react babel-loader webpack webpack-cli webpack-node-externals npm-run-all
  1. Among all these packages webpack is the tool that converts React syntax to plain JavaScript

  2. How do we tell webpack to do what we need to do? --> We need to create webpack.config.js file in the root directory. And by pasting some boilerplate code there will do the job

  3. Just like nodemon tracks changes into our server-side file and restarts the server whenever there is a change, the webpack will also monitor our client-side file and retranspile the browser whenever there is a change

  4. To setup webpack we need to go to package.json and inside scripts we need to type the name of our webpack and necessary command to run that. For example we can type: "ourwebpack": "webpack --watch"

  5. Instead of running our client side and server side separately we can establish a command which can run them both at once. We need to go to the scripts section of the package.json file and type: "project": "run-p ourserver ourwebpack"

  6. Now we can just go to the terminal and type npm run project and then both nodemon and webpack will start running

  7. To fetch and send data from React application we can go to terminal and type: npm install axios

  8. Link the CSS stylesheet from Bootstrap in the admin.ejs file

  9. Create a new file my-custom.css in the public folder and attach it to the admin.ejs

  10. Style the UI of admin page using React in two files CatCard.js and CreateNewForm.js

  11. Whenever we need to send files to the database we need to use a package named Multer To install it go to the terminal and type: npm install multer

  12. To cleanup data we need a package called Sanitize HTML To install it go to the terminal and type: npm install sanitize-html

  13. To upload images we need to instruct the system to make a folder into the public directory and resize the image before storing there. To do so we will be needing two packages called fs-extra and sharp

  14. fs-extra is a package to manage files and folders in Node app and sharp is a package to resize images. To install them go to the terminal and type: npm install fs-extra sharp

  15. When the CRUD operation is done to show our fetched data on a server generated HTML page we can render React code on the server side. We can do so by stoping the terminal from running and then go to package.json file and changing the nodemon server.js to nodemon server-compiled