Build Status

This is the source code for the blog post

Deploy using git

#Download an empty spring boot application
curl -d style=web -d style=actuator -d name=heroku-example | tar -xzvf -

git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"

heroku create
git push heroku master

Prerequisites for deploying without git

heroku login
#This step is only required if the applications are not yet created
heroku create <WEB SERVICE NAME> --no-remote
heroku create <WORKER SERVICE NAME> --no-remote


Deploy using heroku CLI deploy

heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-deploy
mvn clean install
cd web-service
heroku deploy:jar target/web-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --app <WEB SERVICE NAME>
cd ../worker-service
heroku deploy:jar target/worker-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --app <WORKER SERVICE NAME>

Deploy using maven without installing heroku CLI

The application name is written into the pom.xml, it should be updated to match the application names created above In this example the heroku plugin is moved to a build profile called heroku that can be activated using

mvn clean install -Pheroku

The non profile version would work like this

cd web-service
HEROKU_API_KEY="xxx-xxx-xxxx" mvn heroku:deploy
cd ../worker-service
HEROKU_API_KEY="xxx-xxx-xxxx" mvn heroku:deploy

Deploy using maven with installing heroku CLI

cd web-service
mvn heroku:deploy
cd ../worker-service
mvn heroku:deploy

Checking logs

heroku logs --tail --app <WEB SERVICE NAME>
heroku logs --tail --app <WORKER SERVICE NAME>
