
🚘 A web application that can control NodeMCU - Car via WiFi and stream live footage with IP cam

Primary LanguageC++

NodeMCU to L293N Wiring for Car Control

This documentation shows the pin mapping between NodeMCU and L293N Motor Driver for steering and driving motors of your car.

Pin Mapping

NodeMCU Pin L293N Pin Function
D4 (PIN_STEERING_RIGHT) IN1 Controls steering motor right
D2 (PIN_STEERING_LEFT) IN2 Controls steering motor left
D6 (PIN_STEERING_ENABLE) EN1 Enables/disables steering motor
D8 (PIN_DRIVE_BWD) IN3 Controls driving motor backward
D7 (PIN_DRIVE_FWD) IN4 Controls driving motor forward
D5 (PIN_DRIVE_ENABLE) EN2 Enables/disables driving motor
3.3V or 5V (NodeMCU) VCC (L293N logic) Power for L293N logic
GND GND Common ground

Power Connections

  • VCC (12V external) → External battery (for motors power)
  • GND → Ground (common ground with NodeMCU and L293N)


Here's a visual representation of how to wire the NodeMCU to the L293N motor driver:

                     |     NodeMCU          |
                     |                      |
        D4  -------->| IN1 (Steering Right) |
        D2  -------->| IN2 (Steering Left)  |
        D6  -------->| EN1 (Steering Enable)|
        D8  -------->| IN3 (Drive Backward) |
        D7  -------->| IN4 (Drive Forward)  |
        D5  -------->| EN2 (Drive Enable)   |
                     |                      |
      3.3V/5V  ----->| VCC (Logic Power)    |
       GND   --------| GND                  |

Make sure all grounds are connected to avoid potential issues with motor control.


  • IN1-IN4 on the L293N control the direction of the motors.
  • EN1 and EN2 control the enabling/disabling of motors.
  • Power the motors through the external power connected to the VCC pin of the L293N.